
  • 网络growth motivation
  1. 教师专业发展应关注教师的主体性,引发教师内在的成长动机,使之具有自我专业发展意识和能力。

    As far as teacher 's professional development is concerned , we should focus more on teacher 's inherent motive in order to improve his development awareness and ability .

  2. 这些优势动机,由于其动力功能不同,又分为缺失性动机和成长性动机。

    They can be divided into motivations in deficiency and those in development according to their respective incentive functions .

  3. 企业成长的动机是知识人&利益协同体在外界竞争压力的作用下为求得自身发展的一种本能冲动;

    The motive of enterprise 's development is a kind of instinct that longing for developing " knowledge man-benefits associate " itself under the function of the outsider competition pressure ;

  4. 运用规则经济学中的国家理论与制度变迁原理,在已有研究的基础上构建一个国家效用函数,并从此效用函数的动态变化,论证中国民营银行成长的内在动机与逻辑。

    Using the national theory of regular economics and institutional changes principle , the paper structures a national utility function and proves the growth logic of Chinese nongovernmental banks .

  5. 形成长距离慢跑练习动机之策略

    On the Motivational Strategies for Jogging

  6. 知识型员工开始注重自身的职业成长,而且离职动机变得多样、离职意愿更加强烈。

    Knowledge employees began to focus on their own career growth , and their turnover intention becomes stronger with diverse motivations .

  7. 该领域专家将通过提高基于个人成长目的的个人动机、组织工作绩效和机遇以帮助团体建立更好的合作关系。

    Specialists in this field help those organizations build better relationships by improving individual motivation , work performance , and opportunities for personal growth .

  8. 出于成长目的的协同动机依然是创业板主语并购的主要动机,但也同时具备了超募资金动机这一独特动机。

    The collaborative motivation with purpose of growing fast was still the main motivation of the GEM subject acquisition , but GEM subject acquisition also had the unique motivation of M & A-style spending money .

  9. 根据多元化经营与资源开发效益理论相关论述,企业组织选择多元化经营作为成长途径的主要动机之一便是期望原事业与新事业间能发挥正向效益。

    One of the main motivation for discourse according to the theory of diversification and resource development , business organizations choose to diversification as a route to growth is expected to play a positive benefit in the original cause of the new business .