
  • 网络coming-of-age day;Adults Day;Seijin no hi
  1. 人胎视网膜NF主要分布于节细胞轴突,成人除节细胞胞体和轴突外,内网层也有少数NF阳性纤维。

    NF was mainly located in the axons of the ganglion cells in the fetal retina . In adult retina , besides the perikarya and axons of the ganglion cells , some NF positive nerve fibers were present in inner plexiform layer .

  2. 今年五月,共有几百人参加了一个“成人儿童节”。

    This May , hundreds of people took part in a festival in which adults pretended to be children .

  3. 结果6例儿童外伤后基底节梗死均为单侧病变,11例成人基底节梗死中,10例为单侧病变,1例为双侧病变。

    Results 6 lesions in children were all single lateral cases . Among 11 adult lesions , 10 were single lateral and 1 was bilateral case .