
chū tínɡ lǜ shī
  • barrister;advocate;attorney-at-law
  1. 她从事出庭律师工作多年。

    She practised as a barrister for many years .

  2. 你跟着一位出庭律师进行两期为时6个月的实习工作。

    You join a barrister for two six-month spells of practical experience .

  3. 他决定聘请他为出庭律师。

    He decided to retain him for the trial .

  4. 他是一位富有感染力的出庭律师。

    He is an emotive trial lawyer .

  5. 出庭律师公会当选主席、皇家大律师迈克尔托德(MichaelToddQC)表示:交流计划无论在增进对比较法律制度的了解和认知,还是在分享和促进共同价值观方面都扮演着关键角色。

    Michael Todd QC , chairman-elect of the Bar Council said : Exchange schemes play a vital role both in raising understanding and awareness of comparative legal systems and in sharing and promoting common values .

  6. 尽管如此,美国出庭律师、ThomasAlexander&ForresterLLP的史蒂文托马斯(StevenThomas)仍表示,在我看来,即使是根据现行规则,安永签核这种交易的想法也绝对是不可思议的。

    Still , Steven Thomas , of Thomas Alexander Forrester LLP , a US trial attorney , said even under current rules " the idea that Ernst Young signed this off is absolutely incredible to me " .

  7. 在英格兰,Solicitor是指其业务主要为充当法律代理的律师,在低级法院中代表委托人,在高级法院审理中作为出庭律师准备案卷。

    In England a solicitor is a lawyer whose practice is devoted largely to serving as a legal agent , representing clients in lower courts , and preparing cases for barristers to try in superior courts ;

  8. 他是被告的出庭律师。

    He is the barrister who will appear for the defence .

  9. 这位英国出庭律师以在法庭上的屡胜而闻名。

    The English barrister is famous for his successes in the courts .

  10. 出庭律师对其当事人承担该义务。

    A barrister owes the duty to his client .

  11. 她从事出庭律师工作多年。

    She practised as a arrister for many years .

  12. 利生于1900年,剑桥大学毕业后成为了一名出庭律师。

    Born in 1900 , Leigh was educated in Cambridge and practiced as a Barrister-at-Law .

  13. 她当了公诉人后便迅速成为一位善于控制局面的出庭律师。

    Once she became a prosecutor , she quickly established herself as a masterful trial lawyer .

  14. 工程师、出庭律师,男

    Engineer and barrister , male

  15. 如果展现个性比较适合,那就放轻松,你可以比一个出庭律师的着装大胆得多。

    If individuality is appreciated , feel free to be a little more daring than you would be if you were a trial lawyer .

  16. 让我以在出庭律师事务所的实习体验和大家分享一下英国出庭律师的工作、生活和关于英国法律制度的点滴。

    Let me share with you my work experience in the Chambers about work , life of Barristers and some knowledge of English legal system .

  17. 那些从事最不费力气工作的人,比如债券交易员或出庭律师,不遗余力地强调自己的工作有多么辛苦。

    Those engaged in the most effete of occupations , such as bond traders or barristers , are at pains to emphasise how arduous their jobs are .

  18. 海伦·杰克森是一名出庭律师,体重16英石(224磅)。她告诉《星期日泰晤士报》说,这行业能接纳肥胖的男性律师,却无法接受肥胖的女性律师。

    Barrister Helen Jackson , who weighs 16 stone , told the Sunday Times that obese male lawyers were accepted in her profession but female ones were not .

  19. 没错,竭力为有罪的委托人开脱的出庭律师是辩护人,而监管机构应该捍卫全体消费者、而非单个消费者的权益。

    Rightly : the barrister who makes the best case for a guilty client is an advocate , but a regulatory agency should champion the interests of consumers overall rather than individual consumers .

  20. 一位伦敦律师告诉我,他总是警告他的客户,在盘问他们的出庭律师安静下来时(通常只是为了翻阅他的笔记),他们需要闭上嘴。

    A London lawyer tells me he always warns clients that when the barrister cross-examining them goes quiet ( often simply to leaf through his notes ) , they need to keep their mouths shut .

  21. 而恰恰那些出庭辩护的律师们最精于此道。

    And painting such pictures is what trial lawyers do best .

  22. 甚至当凶手出庭时,律师还往他身上撒玫瑰花瓣。

    When he appeared in court even lawyers showered him with rose petals .

  23. 幸运的是,你能像出庭辩护的律师一般辩论(可能你本来就是辩护律师)。

    Fortunately , you can argue like a trial lawyer . ( You probably are one . )

  24. 有一名车祸目击证人正在出庭作证。律师问他:“你确实看见了这起车祸吗?”

    A witness to an automobile accident was testifying . The lawyer asked him , " Did you actually see the accident ? "

  25. 由于他拒绝亲自出庭或派他的律师出庭,被宣布为抗传。

    On his refusal to appear in person or by his attorney , he was pronounced contumacious .

  26. 对出庭或到庭的律师、当事人以及证人礼貌、尊重、文明。

    To be courteous , respectful and civil to the attorneys , parties , and witnesses who appear before the court .