
  • 网络heroism
  1. 我们的国家不依靠于每个公民的英雄精神。

    Our country doesn 't depend on the heroism of every citizen .

  2. 我们永远感激他们的勇气、英雄精神和牺牲。

    We 're eternally grateful for their courage , heroism , and sacrifice .

  3. 这是革命英雄精神对上西方消费主义的愚蠢烙印。

    The heroic spirit of the revolution is confronted with the crass branding of western commercialism .

  4. 游戏基于剑与魔法的英雄精神和优秀的移动战略。

    Game is made in the spirit of " heroes of magic and sword " and other excellent mobile strategies .

  5. 当西方人民还在为鲁滨逊征服自然的英雄精神欢呼雀跃时,马克·吐温就敏锐地发现了人与自然的脱离所带来的种种社会问题。

    He touched the social problems caused by the separation between human and nature while most western people at the time were still indulged in the heroic spirit of Robinson .

  6. 人物性格和自然规律、行动和结果带来的一系列悲剧冲突,使作品在表现英雄精神的同时,交织着许多震撼人心的悲剧特质,给读者带来了全新的阅读体验。

    The tragic conflicts between the heros character and the natural law , the action and its result offer the reader a new reading experience in heroism mingled with tragic features .

  7. 因而对英雄精神有节制的颂扬与对普通民众情感的真实书写的完美糅合赋予了文本独特的艺术魅力。

    Thus the text of the novel has attained a special artistic charm by skillfully integrating the restrained eulogy of the heroic spirit and the genuine portrayal of the emotions of common people .

  8. 但是,阿尔杰式英雄的精神没有离开我,我希望通过法定的体系把它传授给其他小孩和青少年。

    However , the spirit of Alger 's heroes has never left me ; I hope to pass it on to other children and teenagers through the legal system .

  9. 末日意识这两位少年英雄是自由精神的代表。

    The two boy - heroes are free spirits .

  10. “战神”奥瑟罗是“荷马式英雄”的精神后代,在剧中经历的就是这么一个成人仪式。

    Tempted by love , a symbol of the new epoch , Othello , a Homeric hero , a god of war , metaphorically participates in an initiation into the emerging new civilization , not without agony and suffering .

  11. 工人和农民是生产物资财富的,英雄生产的是精神财富。

    Workers and farmers is the production of material wealth , the hero of the production is spiritual wealth .

  12. 英雄超人的能力体现了力学崇高,英雄的精神则体现了精神崇高。作者所高扬的英雄主义精神彰显了共同的人性,他们伟大的精神催人奋发。

    Heroes ' superior abilities embody " dynamical sublime " and heroic spirit manifests spiritual sublime , which inspire people in their aesthetic experience . Heroism in the two masterpieces shows common human nature .

  13. 读过样一个富有冒险精神的英雄的传奇生涯后,我深深的被一个英雄顽强奋斗的精神和不屈的灵魂震撼着。

    Read a kind of adventurous spirit of the legendary hero of his career , I have been a deep struggle of the heroic tenacity of the indomitable spirit and the soul of a shock .

  14. 美国现代小说家厄内斯特.海明威以其海明威式英雄的塑造,成为英雄缺席的20世纪西方文学中英雄神话的精神守望者。

    Ernest Hemingway , the American modern novelist , figuring the hero type of Ernest hemingway in his works , has become the spirit watcher of Hero mythology of 20th among western literature where the hero is absent .

  15. 除此之外,传统史诗中的英雄发动战争往往是为了追求世俗名利,而斯宾塞笔下的英雄大多数追求精神化的荣耀。

    Besides , heroes in traditional epics start a war in order to pursue earthly fortune .