
  • 网络English studies;A English Study;English Language Studies
  1. 其他:这个课题不像其他的课题学术性很强,我们保证了大家都能看得懂,想得懂的英语研究报告。

    Other : the subject of academic subjects , unlike the other very strong , we can ensure that everyone can read , I would like to have to understand the English language studies .

  2. 在以英语研究为代表的西方语言研究中,sentence是一个抽象单位。

    In the linguistic tradition of the West , as is in the study of English , " sentence " is an abstract unit .

  3. 大学英语研究性学习下的任务型教学

    Task-based Teaching in College English under Research-based Learning Style

  4. 中国英语研究与英语写作

    " China English " Study and English Writing

  5. 基于语言经济学的商务英语研究

    Business English Research Based on Economics of Language

  6. 高职英语研究性学习的教学方法探究

    A Study of English " Inquiry Learning " Teaching Method in Vocational High Schools

  7. 我是一名英语研究者。

    I 'm a researcher who study English .

  8. 广告英语研究

    A General Research For Advertising English

  9. 英语研究性学习策略激活、丰富、提升学生的学习经验;

    The English project learning strategy is based on the integrated world of humanistic subjects and science .

  10. 第三部分主要阐明了网络环境下的英语研究性学习的课题设计原则。

    And the third part clarifies the essential principles and requirements of deciding task of project-based learning .

  11. 在认知社会语言学的视角下,中国英语研究走向了一个新的发展阶段。

    From the perspective of Cognitive Sociolinguistics , the study of China English has stepped into a new phase .

  12. 第二章概括需求分析理论在专门用途英语研究中的发展状况,并说明教材评估的必要性,亦对现有的专门用途英语教材评估模式进行了简要地介绍;

    Chapter Two generalizes the development of needs analysis theory in ESP study , points out the necessity of material evaluation and briefs the evaluation models for ESP materials .

  13. 作者首先阐述了修辞、修辞推论与广告英语研究之间的关系,接着对亚里士多德提出的三种说服方式在广告中的作用进行了分析。

    At first , the author states the relationships among rhetoric , enthymeme and advertising English , then introduces three persuasion methods put forward by Aristotle and states their functions in advertisements .

  14. 本文将Patri自我评估同辈评估评价方法运用于非英语专业研究生英语口头陈述能力的评估。

    This paper uses Patri 's way of self-assessment and peer-assessment in the evaluation of oral presentation performance of non-English major graduates .

  15. 应用母语文化进行英语教学研究

    A Study on Application of Native Culture in English Language Teaching

  16. 英语写作研究及其对EFL/ESL教学的影响

    Research in Writing and Its Influence on EFL / ESL Teaching

  17. 究其根源,英语课程研究视域的狭窄是主要原因。

    The narrow perspective in English research is the main reason .

  18. 培养非英语专业研究生语用能力的探索

    Discussion on cultivating pragmatic faculty of post-graduates of non-professional English major

  19. 西北少数民族地区非英语专业研究生阅读能力调查

    A Study of the Reading Ability of the Non-English-Major Postgraduates in Ningxia

  20. 实践性应用型人才培养模式下的大学英语教学研究

    A Study on College English Teaching under Practical and Applied Personnel Training Mode

  21. 数理统计在英语教学研究中的作用

    Applications of Statistics in the Study of English Teaching

  22. 新闻英语词汇研究

    A Study of the Vocabulary in English News Reporting

  23. 纳西族学生英语习得研究

    On the study of Naxi students ' English acquisition

  24. 词汇层次上英语文体研究

    Stylistic Examination of English at the Lexical Level

  25. 基于建构主义理论的多媒体机助英语教学研究

    Computer - Aided English Teaching Based on Constructionism

  26. 非英语专业研究生翻译教学探索

    On the Teaching Translation to Non-English Graduate Students

  27. 论英语写作研究的修辞学渊源

    Rhetoric origin of the research on English writing

  28. 计算机英语词汇研究与翻译

    Computer English Words and Their Translation

  29. 本文旨在分析非英语专业研究生英语写作中的口语化特征。

    This paper aims to analyze the spoken features in written discourse of non-English major postgraduates .

  30. 英语教育研究性学习初探

    On Researching Study of English Education