
  1. 在所有从未染指过英格兰顶级联赛冠军的球队中,博尔顿在顶级联赛中呆的时间最长。

    No side has ever spent longer in the top-flight than Bolton without winning the League .

  2. 费迪南德知道赏额很大,这将是他的第5个冠军也是曼联的第19个。这将让曼联超过利物浦成为英格兰拿到顶级联赛冠军最多的球队。

    Ferdinand knows the prize is great , with what would be his fifth title on offer , as well as a19th for United , which would eclipse Liverpool 's long-standing mark .

  3. 前英格兰队长有望在未来几周重回英格兰顶级联赛,热刺方面以向贝壳的顾问提出了2个月的租借合同。

    The former England captain could be back in England 's top flight in the next few weeks after Tottenham made contact with Beckham 's advisers to register an interest about a two-month loan spell .

  4. 据路透社2月15日报道,身为日本足协主席的川渊三郎近日呼吁三浦知良应当将英格兰传奇球星斯坦利·马修斯做为自己效法的榜样,而后者当年在英格兰顶级联赛里曾一直“战斗”到50岁高龄。

    Japan Football Association ( JFA ) chief Saburo Kawabuchi is calling for Miura to emulate former England enigma Stanley Matthews who played top flight football until he was50 .