
  • 网络american exceptionalism;American Exceptionism
  1. 美国例外论再次占了上风。

    Again , American exceptionalism prevails .

  2. 《梅森与迪克逊》:托马斯·品钦对美国例外论的批判

    Mason & Dixon : Thomas Pynchon 's Critique of American Exceptionalism

  3. 美国例外论和工运史研究

    The Study of American Exceptionalism and the History of Working Class Movement

  4. 美国例外论与美国外交政策传统

    The The ory of American Exceptionalism and the Tradition of American Foreign Policy

  5. 莱因哈特和罗格夫反对这种美国例外论当然没错。

    Profs Reinhart and Rogoff are surely right to reject this appeal to American exceptionalism .

  6. 这包含美国例外论、天定命运观以及美国乐善好施的思想。

    This include U.S.A. exceptional theory , it make destiny view and thought that U.S.A. is given to doing charitable work .

  7. 美国例外论作为一种特殊的政治文化,已经深深扎根于美国外交思想,并对美国外交实践产生了一定的影响。

    American exceptionalism , as a particular political culture , is deeply rooted inUS diplomatic thoughts and has exerted certain influence on diplomatic practice .

  8. 美国例外论在美国主流文化中根深蒂固,对美国人处理与外部世界的关系产生了很大的影响,在很大程度上成为美国文化向全球扩张的意识形态根源。

    Deeply rooted in American mainstream culture , American exceptionalism has greatly affected the way in which Americans deal with the external world , and to a great extent it is the ideological origin of American global cultural expansion .

  9. 不信任政府权力当然是美国“例外论”(无论是右翼还是左翼)的关键要素。

    Distrust of state authority has of course been a key component of American exceptionalism , both on the right and the left .

  10. 对于美国棋布星罗的智囊机构而言,这是“美国例外论”大行其道的一周。

    IT IS exceptionalism week in the world of American think-tanks .

  11. 影响美国外交政策的意识形态主要有三种:美国例外论、种族主义和拒斥激进革命。

    Ideology in American foreign policy is mainly composed of three elements : American exceptionalism , racism and anti-radical revolution .

  12. 凭借强大政治经济实力,美国到处向他国传播、渗透其核心价值观和意识形态,甚至标榜美国例外论。

    With the strong economic and political power , America tends to transmit and infiltrate its core cultural values and ideologies all around the world by insisting on " American exceptionalism " .

  13. 美国正在领导世界打击并战胜国际恐怖主义这一人为的罪孽。采取以“美国例外论”为指导的单边主义,置国际机制于尴尬境地。

    And this nation is leading the world in confronting and defeating the man-made evil of international terrorism . ( 3 ) unilateral action under the pretext of US exceptionalism but in disregard of the international mechanism .