
  • 网络first lord of the admiralty
  1. 相册中有丘吉尔担任英国海军大臣期间视察海军新兵、1910年在皇家行宫检阅布赖顿警察和他年轻时骑马的照片。

    He is seen inspecting naval recruits when he was First Lord of the Admiralty , inspecting the Brighton Police in the Royal Pavilion grounds in1910 and riding a horse as a young man .

  2. 但前英国海军大臣韦斯特感叹道,英国海军已大不如前,很难再打一场像马尔维纳斯群岛战役那样的战争。

    But the former British naval minister lamented Road West , the British navy has gone down as the Malvinas Islands is difficult to resort to a campaign as war .