
  • 网络Englishization
  1. 汉语中英语借词的新趋势及规范化

    New Tendencies of English Loanwords in Chinese and Their Standardization

  2. 最后,将算法应用到英语借词之中,给出计算结果。

    Finally , the algorithm is applied to Chinese loanwords in English .

  3. 浅谈俄语词汇中的英语借词现象

    Brief Comment on English Loan Words in Russian Vocabulary

  4. 汉语中英语借词的翻译

    On the translation of loanwords from English into Chinese

  5. 借词是一种重要的社会语言现象,粤方言中的英语借词显得尤为突出。

    Loanwords are an important sociolinguistic phenomenon . English loanwords are prominent in Cantonese .

  6. 现代俄语中的英语借词探析

    On English Loan-Words in the Modern Russian Vocabulary

  7. 粤方言中的英语借词研究

    A research into the English loanwords in Cantonese

  8. 汉语中常见的英语借词

    On the Familiar English Loans in Chinese

  9. 近30年来英语借词对汉语的影响

    Influence on Chinese by English Borrowings

  10. 法语中的英语借词探析论外来词语的规范化

    On French Words Borrowed From English

  11. 通过分析得出如下结论:1.英语借词对汉语有着积极的作用,并推动汉语不断向前发展。

    Firstly , English loanwords play a very important role in promoting the development of Mandarin Chinese .

  12. 现代法语中的英语借词

    Modern French loanwords from English

  13. 本文首先界定了外来词的概念并陈述英语借词在汉语中的发展历程;

    First the thesis provides a definition of loanwords and accounts the historical development of loanwords from English into Chinese .

  14. 最后选取不同初始聚类中心,使用凝聚聚类算法对英语借词进行了聚类实验和分析。

    Finally , computing experiment and analysis for Chinese loanwords in English are given by using different centers of clustering .

  15. 第四章从语义学、形态学及句法角度阐述了汉语中英语借词对汉语产生的影响。

    The fourth chapter discusses the influences of English loanwords on Mandarin Chinese from lexical , semantic , morphological and syntactic perspectives .

  16. 在现代汉语中,英语借词大量涌现,对现代汉语构词法产生极大的影响,使汉语构词发生了变异。

    Thousands of English loan words have entered into Chinese , which greatly influence the Chinese word-formation resulting in great variations in it .

  17. 针对现代法语中越来越多的英语借词,从词汇学的角度对英语借词的起源和促因以及英语借词的分类进行了全面论述。

    Due to the large number of French borrowing words from English , the article expounds the origins , the developmental reasons and classification of these loanwords in term of lexicology .

  18. 本文通过对照不同时期出版的《现代汉语词典》的收词情况及词义增加情况讨论英语借词对汉语的影响。

    This paper discusses the influence of the English borrowings on Chinese through the comparison of different editions of The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary concerning their choices of new words and addition of senses .

  19. 当前汉语中的英语借词具有数量大、范围广、译法活、影响深等特点;

    This paper gives a detailed description of the present English loans from three angles : the characteristics of the development ; & great quantity , wide range , flexible translation , deep influence ;

  20. 最早的英汉语言接触可以追溯到十七世纪上半叶,而开始于19世纪大量的英语借词涌入一直持续到现在。

    While the earliest English-Chinese contact could be traced back to the first half of the 17th century , the overwhelming influx of English borrowings started at the end of the 19th century and has lasted until the present .

  21. 英语中汉语借词的借入方式与发展趋势

    Borrowing Mode and Tendency of Chinese Loan Words in English

  22. 英语中汉语借词构词探析

    An analysis of the formation of Chinese loans in English

  23. 英语中汉语借词的文化渊源和语言特征探究

    An Analysis of the Cultural Origin and Linguistic Features of Chinese Borrowings in English

  24. 英语中汉语借词的社会文化渊源及其语法、语用特征

    The Social and Cultural Origins of Chinese Borrowings in English and Their Grammatical and Pragmatic Features

  25. 本文研究了英语中汉语借词的地域和语源特征,分析了汉语借词的文化成因。

    The present essay studies the regional characteristics and the sources of Chinese borrowings , and analyses their cultural backgrounds .

  26. 源自英语的音借词已成为汉语中的一小部分,其数量呈增长的趋势。

    The English phonetic borrowings have become a small part of Chinese and the number of them tends to be increasing .

  27. 英语中汉语借词的主要借入方式是音译、意译、替换和合成。

    The main borrowing modes of Chinese loan words in English are : transliteration , translation , re - placement and composition .

  28. 中期英语中法语借词的特点在于:(1)法语借词与本土英语既有同义性,又有差异。

    The features of borrowed words from French in Middle English include : ( 1 ) borrowed words from French and native English have both similarities and differences ;

  29. 主要探讨英语中汉语借词的历史,源语言和中介语言,以及借用的方式。

    It concentrates on the study of the history , source languages and transmission languages of Chinese loanwords in English and pays much attention to the means of borrowing .

  30. 本文发现澳大利亚英语中土著借词的词义变化与澳大利亚人的认知域的变化是紧密相连,互相影响的。

    The thesis finds that the meaning changes of the aboriginal borrowings in Australian English are closely related and are strongly affected by the changes of cognitive domains of the Australians .