
  1. 问卷的问题选自何自然、海伦奥蒂和张卫族的相关著作,涉及语用语言和社交语用问题。

    These questions refer to pragma-linguistic and socio-pragmatic problems .

  2. 何自然教授持相反观点。

    On the contrary , Prof.

  3. 而何自然教授的看法恰恰相反,他认为应当使原文的隐含得以显现,这样才能帮助译语读者克服文化障碍。

    Prof. He Zi-ran , on the other hand , holds that the cultural connotations should be made explicit in order to help the target language reader overcome cultural barriers .

  4. 第二章讨论典故和翻译的关系,先对典故的来源、特点和分类进行了研究,之后讨论了钱冠连教授和何自然教授对于翻译语用隐含的不同观点。

    The next chapter discusses the relationship between allusion and translation , in which the allusions in Tang poetry are classified according to their sources and characteristics , together with two contrasting views on the translation of pragmatic implicature as well as the principle and approaches of allusion translation .