
  1. 快活情世,何能读心。

    The joyful sentiments , how to read your heart .

  2. 不知有何能效劳先生们

    Can 't see how I can help you gentlemen .

  3. 我何能再贪爱这世界为我家。

    And I can 't feel at home in this world anymore .

  4. 人何能着手创立一种道德?

    How does one go about founding a morality ?

  5. 自己何德何能,竟承受得起如此恩典,保有这份财富?

    I doubt if I really merit your grace to inherit such valuable treasures .

  6. 有何能为两位美女效劳的吗?

    What can I help you dolls with ?

  7. 即令开始,又何能坚持到今天的胜利?

    And even though started , how could it have been carried on resolutely until victory today ?

  8. 佛教需要政治的护持弘传,如不护持弘传,何能实现佛教的主张?

    Buddhism needs the state to spread its teachings ; without the state , how can the teachings be realized ?

  9. 这样的影响明显是远远领先于任自动跳出广告何能被屏蔽帽阻止的信号形式。

    Such effects are obviously advanced well beyond any signal type which can be sto ed by a foil beanie .

  10. 因为纵然过去的事实极端明显,若除你的记忆而外毫无记录,这样的事实又何能确定?

    For how could you establish even the most obvious fact when there existed no record outside your own memory ?

  11. 所谓恋爱正是天赋之本能;如一生不了解恋爱的人,他又何能了解整个的人生?

    In other words , love is innate . If one remains a lifelong stranger to love , how can he thoroughly understand life ?

  12. 你何能会觉得做出一个正确的决策非常困难。当你做出决定之后,可能你马上就会后悔。

    You 'll find it difficult to make up your mind , and when you do make your decision you could have immediate regrets .

  13. 这种将土地增值部分据为己有的做法,不仅有失公平:我何德何能,可以坐拥这些额外的财富?

    This appropriation of the rise in the value of land is not just unfair : what have I done to deserve this additional wealth ?

  14. 艾丽斯•芒罗缘何能获得诺贝尔文学奖?我们把诺贝尔文学奖授予她,因为她是当代短篇小说大师。

    Why did Alice Munro win ? We gave her the Nobel Prize in Literature because she is a master of the contemporary short story .

  15. 又何能让蒋介石辈直到今天还安然活着,在离前线那么远的山坳里发表什么命令谈话呢?

    How else could Chiang Kai-shek and his ilk be alive now , issuing orders and making statements from a mountain retreat so far from the front lines ?

  16. 基甸说,主阿,我有何能拯救以色列人呢?我家在玛拿西支派中是至贫穷的。我在我父家是至微小的。

    And he said to him , o lord , how may I be the Saviour of israel ? See , my family is the poorest in manasseh , and I am the least in my father 's house .

  17. 我们在谈论癌症“登月计划”这一极有何能耗费数十亿美元资金,但却可能一无所获的项目之际,有必要考虑一下——在许多情况下——预防不仅仅是最便宜的解决方案,而且是最有效的。

    As we talk about cancer " moonshots " that will most likely cost billions of dollars and might not achieve results , it 's worth considering that - as in many cases - prevention is not only the cheapest course , but also the most effective .