
  • 网络Lupo
  1. 该校国际项目办公室执行主任戴维•卡波迪卢波(DavidCapodilupo)说,海外合作项目给分散在各地的毕业生提供一个在当地重新联系上母校的机会,从而增进校友联系。

    David Capodilupo , the executive director of the office of international programmes , says the alliances boost its alumni relationships by providing local opportunities for far-flung graduates to reconnect with the school .

  2. 采川超卢波辅助提取,乙醇浸提方法,萃取TFSP。探讨了影响提取率的主要冈素,然后用正交法确定了最佳提取工艺,并用方差分析进行显著性检验。

    The primary factors which influenced extracting rate were discussed and the optimum extracting techniques were analyzed by variance analysis and orthogonal design .

  3. 另一张休闲照中,小王子粉脸扑扑,正在给自家的西班牙猎狗卢波喂冰淇淋。

    Another equally casual shot shows him cheekily offering an ice cream to the family 's dog , spaniel Lupo .

  4. 卡波迪卢波说,由于该校对此并无追求,所以对于在某些特定地区进行研究,“肯定是教师们非常感兴趣”。

    Because the school does not seek out these relationships , says Mr Capodilupo , there must be " significant interest from faculty " to do research on a particular place .

  5. 在肯辛顿宫上周五发布的四张照片中,有一张是这样的:这位未来的国王光着脚半跪在地,好像在喂爱犬卢波吃冰淇淋,正是这张照片引起了动物福利组织的担心。

    But among the four images released last Friday by Kensington Palace , one showing the barefoot future king appearing to feed his pet spaniel Lupo an ice-cream lolly has raised concern among leading animal welfare organisations .