
wěi zào wén jiàn
  • Forgery of documents;forgery of a document;falsification of a document
  1. 因此伪造文件者处死;

    Accordingly , the forger was put to death ;

  2. 他被指控伪造文件、侵吞公款和盗用工会基金。

    He was charged with forgery , embezzlement and misappropriation of union funds .

  3. 他们各有专长,像驾车,伪造文件。

    They know useful things like cars , documents .

  4. 他们被指控使用伪造文件。

    They are charged with using forged documents .

  5. 一起局部伪造文件案的检验

    Inspection on a Case of Partly Forging Document

  6. 尤其是,审计机构已改进了自己的方法,能够更好地确认现金余额和发现伪造文件。

    In particular , auditors have improved their methods to confirm cash balances and detect counterfeit documents .

  7. 协助及教唆伪造文件

    Aid and abet forgery

  8. 他呼吁所有机构都对职员进行培训,学会识别社会上许多不同类型的伪造文件。

    He urged all organisations to train their staff to spot the many different types of falsified documents in circulation .

  9. 个人身份受到严格监管,出生证明需清楚明确,使用伪造文件是一种犯罪。

    Personal identity is a tightly policed business . Birth certificates are unambiguous . Using forged documents is a crime .

  10. 他被控伪造文件、违反诚信以及未经授权使用电脑执行了一系列法国兴业银行所称的未授权交易。

    He is accused of forgery , breach of trust and unauthorised computer use in carrying out a series of what the bank says were unauthorised trades .

  11. 吉利斯表示,为防止出现伪造文件的情况,过去一年中,多数审计师已不再接受邮寄的银行询证函。

    To guard against the risk of counterfeit documents , most auditors have over the past year stopped accepting bank confirmations in the post , Mr Gillis said .

  12. 广东深圳&几百名在这个华南城市申请低收入住房的申请者,伪造文件以掩饰其财富后,一些网民提议严厉处罚。

    SHENZHEN , Guangdong-Some netizens are calling for tougher penalties after hundreds of applicants for low-income housing in this South China city used fake documents to cover up their wealth .

  13. 当被问到有关伪造文件的指控时,崔说金是一名心怀不满的员工,她被辞退是有正当理由的,并表示她的指控对我的员工不公平。

    When asked about the forgery claims , Choi said that Kim was a disgruntled employee who was fired for cause and that the accusations were unfair to my guys .

  14. 因此伪造文件者处死;伪钞及伪造文件组在打击伪造信用卡活动、伪钞和非法入境者使用伪造旅游证件方面再创佳绩。

    The Counterfeit and Forgery Division had another successful year in combating counterfeit credit card activity , the counterfeiting of currency and the use of forged travel documents by illegal immigrants .

  15. 随着计算机应用普及率的不断提高及社会作用的逐渐增大,计算机处理文字的优越性也给不法分子刻意变更伪造文件提供了机会。

    With the development of the computer appliance and the more important role it plays , the superiority of computer processing also provides chances for the criminals to change and forge .

  16. 其中一些曾解救犹太人的意大利人已被写入历史课本:这部纪录片突显出巴尔塔利是如何为意大利的犹太人传递伪造文件的:他骑着自己的自行车“训练”,穿行于修道院和教堂之间。

    Some of these Italian rescuers are already in the history books : the documentary highlights how Bartali carried false documents for Jews across Italy as he " trained " on his bike , cycling for miles between monasteries and churches .

  17. 此举一出,全球各地的公司都开始回避irisl,于是该公司开始采取大量欺骗手法,来隐瞒自己的身份并逃避制裁包括伪造船运文件、改变船只及船只所有人名称、甚至给船体重新喷漆。

    Almost immediately companies around the world began to shun IRISL , and the company started to use an array of deceptive practices to conceal its identity and skirt sanctions including falsifying shipping documents , changing names and nominal ownership of vessels , and even repainting ships .

  18. 伪造的文件是那些被不实的制造或改造的文件。

    Forged document are ones that have been made or altered falsely .

  19. 他试图用伪造的文件进入该国。

    He tried to enter the country with forged document .

  20. 通常经过马来西亚,在那里伪造通关文件隐藏象牙的真实来源。

    It often passes through Malaysia , where forged papers disguise its origins .

  21. 一个地下律师给了他一些伪造的文件。

    A back-street lawyer gave him some forged papers .

  22. 原始签名者或签名接受者能伪造任何文件的代理盲签名。

    Both original signer and signature receiver can forge a valid proxy blind signature for any file .

  23. ·任何申请者伪造证明文件,一经证实,其申请将不被接纳,其申请费用亦不获发还。

    For any false status proof information provided , application will NOT be approved and no refund will be given .

  24. 他上星期控告联盟,声称公司的雇员签署并且存档伪造的文件误导了法院。

    He sued Ally last week , claiming the company 's employees signed and filed false documents to mislead courts .

  25. 把这个文件也置于版本控制之下,这有助于避免合作者在存储库中添加伪造的文件。

    Put this file under version control , too , to help collaborators avoid adding spurious files to the repository .

  26. 对可能被转移、隐匿、毁损或者伪造的文件、资料,予以先行登记保存。

    Conducting advanced registration and preservation of documents and materials that may be transferred , concealed , destroyed or falsified .

  27. 她还宣称,崔曾伪造电汇文件,制造他正在进行补偿的假象。

    She also alleged that Choi had forged wire transfer documents to make it look as if compensation were on the way .

  28. 丸红表示,该公司进行的一项内部调查证实,丸红没有参与伪造这些文件。

    An internal investigation by Marubeni confirmed that Marubeni had no involvement in the forgery of these documents , the Japanese bank said .

  29. 签证申请人如果听信了错误的建议,就可能会为了满足这些所谓的“资格”而冒险使用伪造的文件。

    When visa applicants are misled by this bad advice , they sometimes feel tempted to acquire a forged document to bolster their application .

  30. 比方说十月初,上海就有许多想囤积房产的夫妇被查出有意伪造离婚文件以规避政府的新措施。

    For example , many property-hungry couples in Shanghai were found forging divorce documents in early October in order to circumvent a new government regulation .