首页 / 词典 / good

  • false;fake;bogus;forged
  • 假,不真实:~造。~装。~劣。~证。~善。虚~。去~存真。

  • 不合法的:~政府。~军。


(虚假) false; fake; bogus; forged; pseudo:

  • 虚伪

    false; hypocritical; sham;

  • 伪形


  • 去伪存真

    eliminate the false and retain the true


(不合法的; 窃权而不受拥护的) illegal; puppet:

  • 伪政府

    a puppet government

  1. 基于Land实验的可见红外伪彩色图像融合方法

    Land 's experiment based false color fusion method for visual and infrared images

  2. 为了消除计算中伪扩散的影响,选用了QUICK格式。

    To avoid the effect of false diffusion , QUICK format is used in the numerical method .

  3. 真是自命不凡的伪知识分子的一派胡言!

    What a load of pompous , pseudo-intellectual rot

  4. 他们不费事地从伪看守手中逃掉了。

    They had little difficulty in getting away from the puppet guards .

  5. 此夫鲁国之巧伪人孔丘非邪?(《庄子》)

    This must be none other than that crafty hypocrite Kong Qiu from the state of lu !

  6. “伪纪录片”是指虚构的故事以纪录片的形式呈现的影视类型,英文也写作mockdocumentary。

    Mockumentary ( also known as mock documentary ) is a genre2 of film and television in which fictitious3 events are presented in documentary format4 .

  7. 生物圈2号最终被讥讽为科研上的大失败,代价是昂贵的伪科学

    Biosphere 2 was ultimately ridiculed as a research debade , as exfravagant pseudoscience .

  8. “伪纪录片”是指“仿照”纪录片,并以纪录片的风格拍摄的虚构电影。

    Mockumentary is a fictional1 film that is in the style of a documentary and pretends to be a documentary .

  9. 环形伪影是CT设备中多见的伪影之一。

    Circular artifact is found in CT images frequently .

  10. 工业CT重建图像中边缘梯度效应引起的高频伪影

    High-frequency artifacts in industrial CT reconstruction images due to the exponential edge-gradient effect

  11. GPS模糊度和精密伪距同时确定法

    A simultaneous determination method of ambiguity and precise pseudorange in GPS

  12. Java中伪随机数生成机制研究及其应用

    The Research and Application of Pseudo-random Numbers Generation in Java

  13. GPS伪距导航定位解算新算法研究

    Study of New Algorithm in Resolving Pseudo-distance Navigation and Position of GPS

  14. GIS中伪随机数发生器选择策略研究

    Study on the selection strategy of PRNGs in GIS

  15. 其它有用的伪属性有type和alternate。

    Other useful pseudo-attributes are type and alternate .

  16. GPS和伪卫星组合定位技术及其在形变监测中的应用研究

    Integrated GPS and Pseudolite Positioning for Deformation Monitoring System

  17. DB2在内部使用一个名为PUBLIC的伪组,对于PUBLIC,可以为之授予特权,也可以撤销它的特权。

    DB2 internally uses a pseudo-group called PUBLIC , which privileges can be granted to and revoked from .

  18. 猪伪狂犬病PCR诊断方法的建立

    The Establishment of PCR Diagnositic Technique of Porcine Pseudorabies

  19. 猪伪狂犬病病毒单抗双夹心ELISA的构建

    Estabilishment of monoclonal antibodies double sandwich ELISA detecting porcine pseudorabies virus

  20. MRI移动伪影的去除与图像增强方法

    MRI Moving Ghost Cancellation and Image Enhancement Method

  21. 不同实验条件下GPS伪距定位精度分析

    The analysis of precision of high precise positioning using GPS pseudo-range in different experiment conditions

  22. 牙齿和运动伪影:CT和MRI各序列无差别。

    There were no difference between tooth artifact and moving artifact on CT and MRI examination .

  23. 用A型超声示波法研究8种2D超声伪像的形成

    Study on 8 kinds of artifacts in ultrasonography by amplitude modulation

  24. HPLC法测定小儿氨酚伪麻分散片的含量

    Content Determination of Paracetamol and Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride Dispersible Tablets for Children by HPLC

  25. 在下面的伪代码中,使用了内核APIkernelthread来注册这个内核线程

    Use the kernel API kernel_thread to register this kernel thread in this pseudo code

  26. Li,其中有1件为伪品。从王艮到李贽

    From Wang Gen to Li Zhi

  27. 铸态Ti-Zr-(Ni,Co)伪三元准晶合金研究

    Investigation on As-cast Quasicrystalline Alloys in the Ti-Zr - ( Ni , Co ) Pseudo-ternary System

  28. GPS相位平滑伪距严密定权及其在卫星编队飞行相对定位中的应用

    Strict Weight Matrix Definition of GPS Carrier-Smoothed Code and its Application to Relative Positioning of Satellite Formation Flying

  29. 伪狂犬病病毒Fa株胸苷激酶基因缺失株的构建

    Construction of thymidine kinase deletion mutants of pseudorabies virus FA strain

  30. 伪NM代数及其性质

    Pseudo NM-algebras and Their Properties