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  • Depression;col;a depression in a mountain range
  • 山间的平地:山~。~口(山或丘陵间的较低处,多为穿过山岭的通道)。


(山间平地) a depression in a mountain range; col:

  • 山坳


  • 珠峰北坳

    the North Col of Mount Qomolangma

  1. 山区高速公路坳沟地形路基变形破坏特点分析与防治

    Analyzing the subgrade deformation from col landform in expressway in mountain

  2. 在小山坳里,有一个小池。

    In a small col , there is a pond .

  3. 坳陷构造是地壳表层的基本构造单元,它叠加在大的板块(或地块)构造之上,属于二级结构构造。

    Depression-Uplift structure is a basic structural unit developed on crustal surface , it is secondary structure and is superposed upon larger plate tectonics .

  4. 济阳坳陷CO2气成藏机理与成藏模式研究

    The Study of the CO_2 Forming Mechanism and Mode in Jiyang Depression

  5. 济阳坳陷火山活动和CO2气藏的关系研究

    The relativity of igneous activity and co_ ( 2 ) gas reservoir in Jiyang Depression

  6. TX坳陷是一个低探区。

    TX depression is such an area of low level exploration .

  7. 华北油田冀中坳陷文49-2井的实践表明,若使用高矿化度水,要用Na2CO3预处理,其加量不得过大;

    It is practice that the high salinity water is used in Wen 49-2 well in the Jizhong depression of Huabei oilfield .

  8. 中、晚始新世是郯庐断裂右旋剪切活动最强烈的时期,鲁西南和济阳坳陷发育了NE向断层。

    The most active age of dextral share of Tancheng-Lujiang fracture is in the Middle and Late Eocene , during which the NE-striking faults are formed in Southwest Shandong and Jiyang Depression .

  9. 该坳陷的暗色泥岩厚度高值区、半深湖区、有机碳含量高值区、Ro高值区是一致的;

    The range of thicker dark mudstones in the depression is identical with the environment of semi-deep lake and the areas with higher organic carbon and R o values , i.

  10. 根据封闭体系黄金管热模拟实验结果,应用Kinetics专用软件,研究了塔里木盆地库车坳陷中生界不同类型烃源岩的生烃特征与动力学参数。

    Based on thermal simulation data of gold tube experiment in the closed system and combined with the specfic Kinetics Software , the parameters of hydrocarbon generation kinetics from Mesozoic source rocks in the Kuqa Depression , Tarim Basin were studied .

  11. SJ-600型LCU新一代现地控制装置在大坳水电厂中的应用

    Application of sj-600 type LCU new field control apparatus in DAAO HYDROPOWER PLANT

  12. Cevennes盆地北坳陷区独特的沉积与构造演化的耦合关系

    Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the North Depression in the Cevennes coal basin , France

  13. 传播路径位于冀中坳陷和黄骅坳陷等平原区表现为低Q0值;

    There are higher Q 0 values on propagating paths located in upwelling areas , and lower Q 0 values in depression areas .

  14. 济阳坳陷中生代以NW向断裂活动为主;新生代早期盆地发育受NW向和NE向断裂共同控制,沙河街组四段沉积后,以NE向断裂活动为主。

    Dominated by NW-trending faulting during the Mesozoic and jointly controlled by NW-and NE-trending faults in the Early Cenozoic , Jiyang depression was then governed by NE-trending faulting after the deposition of 4th Member in the Shahejie Formation .

  15. 研究结果表明:孔店期,济阳坳陷继承了中生代后期的断裂发育特点,盆地格局受NW向断层活动控制,NE(ENE)向断层尚未对盆地发育产生重要影响;

    The faults in the Ek stage remained the same features of the late Mesozoic , i.e. , the NW trending faults controlled the basin pattern , and the NE ( ENE ) trending faults had little effect .

  16. 结果表明:侏罗系剥蚀厚度一般在200~1000m,原始沉积厚度约1000~1500m,厚度稳定,以河湖交互沉积为主,是在印支期形成的向斜坳陷背景上发育的断陷盆地;

    The Jurassic formation is fault basin developed within syncline formed during Indo-Chinese movement , which are mainly alternative fluvial and lake deposition with strata erosion thickness of 200-1000m and stable original sedimentary thickness of 1000-1500m .

  17. 应用黄金管封闭体系热解实验,结合GCIRMS同位素质谱仪的甲烷碳同位素分析,研究了塔里木盆地库车坳陷侏罗系煤生成甲烷的碳同位素特征及其动力学模拟。

    The characteristics and kinetic modeling of carbon isotope of methane in Jurassic humic gas in Kuqa depression in Tarim basin have been studied by combining pyrolysis experiment in closed gold tube system and analysis of methane isotope with GC-IRMS isotope mass spectrograph .

  18. 中新生代沉积盆地表现为典型下部断陷型和上部坳陷型盆地结构,最大沉积厚度8000~10000m,沉积主洼形态较好,晚&早第三纪是盆地主要的勘探目的层系。

    The Cenozoic sedimentary basin shows a typical structure of lower faulting and upper depression , the maximum thickness is 8 000 ~ 10 000 m , and the Paleogene and Neogene are the main target strata of the basin .

  19. 文中应用盆地模拟技术,确定了济阳坳陷烃源岩大约在3900m进入大量生气窗。

    Basin simulation shows that source rock in Jiyang depression is determined to reach threshold of generating a large amount of gas at the depth of about 3900m .

  20. 通过对盆地内部博湖南北坳陷抬升-冷却年龄的综合分析,确定盆地内部构造抬升-冷却事件的时限为37~62Ma(始新世到古新世)。

    Through integration analyse the periphery and inner Bohu sag uplift-chilling age of the basin , we confirmed the time limit of tectonic uplift-chilling event is 37 ~ 62Ma ( Eocene to Paleocene ) .

  21. 随着石油勘探研究的不断深入,砂岩透镜体油藏日益受到重视。在济阳坳陷目前已发现的114个主要砂岩透镜体油藏中,有112个处于排烃门限(2500m)以下。

    With the gradually development of the petroleum exploration , more and more lens reservoirs have been discovered and been paid more and more attention . There have been proven 112 reservoirs with the buried depth greater than 2500m among 114 main sand lens reservoirs in the Jiyang Depression .

  22. Qm-F-Lt,Qt-F-L三角图解显示,南部坳陷的砂岩颗粒组分落入再旋回造山带,极少量落入再旋回造山带与岩浆岛弧混合带,说明古近纪南部坳陷构造活动整体比较强烈。

    Qm-F-Lt , Qt-FL triangular diagram show that sandstone componental particles mainly falling into recycling orogenic zone , a very small amount into recycling of orogenic belts and volcanic arc mixing zone , indicating that there were overall more intensive tectonic activities of south depression in the Paleogene . 5 .

  23. 冀中坳陷衡水转换断裂带特征及演化

    Characteristics and evolution of Hengshui transfer fault zones in Jizhong depression

  24. 塔里木盆地北部库车坳陷白垩系沉积古地理

    Depositional Palaeogeography of Cretaceous of Kuqa Depression in Northern Tarim Basin

  25. 湘中坳陷海相油气勘探前景再认识

    Reconsideration on marine petroleum exploration prospects in the middle Hunan depression

  26. 锡林坳陷区含油远景初探

    A preliminary study on oil prospects in Xiling depression culture region

  27. 川西坳陷天然气地球化学及成藏特征

    Characteristics of natural gas geochemistry and accumulation in Western Sichuan Depression

  28. 济阳坳陷三维地震成果资料品质评价

    Evaluation on the quality of 3D seismic data in Jiyang Depression

  29. 塔里木盆地西南坳陷构造类型与分析

    Structural Types and Analysis of the Southwest Depression in Tarim Basin

  30. 坳陷湖盆层序地层特征与岩性-地层圈闭分布

    Characteristics of Sequence Stratigraphy of Depression Basin and Distribution of Litho-strati-Reservoir
