
wěi shàn
  • hypocrisy;insincerity
  • hypocritical
伪善 [wěi shàn]
  • [hypocritical] 假充好人;假冒善良

  • 伪善的言辞

  1. 这个电视节目有些伪善和夸耀的嫌疑。

    The TV show had the whiff of hypocrisy and pomposity .

  2. 你将会无法忍受所遭遇的伪善和双重标准。

    You 'll have little patience with the hypocrisy and double standards you encounter .

  3. 他把目前政府提倡平等权利的举措称为“彻头彻尾的伪善”。

    He called it ' rank hypocrisy ' that the government was now promoting equal rights .

  4. 他痛斥伪善和贪婪的行为。

    He railed against hypocrisy and greed

  5. 我要把他们的伪善面貌暴露在光天化日之下。

    I 'll expose their hypocrisy to the light of day .

  6. 他认为这封信写得既怯懦又伪善。

    He thought the letter cowardly and hypocritical .

  7. 灵媒精神导师进行据称与物质世界的交流所凭借的媒介例如:Givingafalseimpressionoftruthorauthenticity.伪善的给人以诚实或真诚的假象。

    The medium through which a spirit guide purportedly communicates with the physical world

  8. 最有趣的一类KH是那些伪善的人。

    The most interesting of all the KH is hypocrite guy .

  9. 在小说中,Collins敏锐和让人信服的介绍和批评了无效的社会机器,讨厌的伪善和人类的贪婪。

    In this novel , Collins subtly and persuasively presents and criticizes the ineffective social machinery , disgusting hypocrisy and man 's greed .

  10. 这个月当他听到对手DavidCameron(英国首相)所说的不允许“伪善的人权关怀”挡住他们追捕杀烧抢掠者的路的时候,他将多么得意。

    How he must have relished hearing his British counterpart , David Cameron , say this month that his government would not let " phoney human-rights concerns " get in the way of hunting down rioters and looters .

  11. 这是一个在Hardy时代的英语社会里发现的对性和社会伪善的坚定的批评,这都是归于主角不能自制的意志受到了不公正的伤害。

    It is a staunch criticism of the sexual and social hypocrisy found in English society in Hardy 's time , owing to the main character 's unjust suffering from her will which she cannot control .

  12. 她就是这么一个伪善的人。

    She is such a goody-goody ! A hypocritically self-righteous person .

  13. 伪善的人装作亲切的,友好的或品质高尚的人。

    One who is affectedly sweet , good , or virtuous .

  14. 够了,够了,受够了你们伪善的表演。

    Enough is Enough , Enough Hypocrisy for this one world .

  15. 伪善;伪�我是个耿直坦率的人,我讨厌虚伪。

    I 'm a blunt straightforward man ; I hate sham .

  16. 伪善的花好月圆&对《中国式离婚》的三种解读

    A False State Of Being Happy Three Interpretations About the Chinese-style Divorce

  17. 就如浓缩铀,伪善的代价比看起来的更高。

    Like enriched uranium , hypocrisy can be costlier than it seems .

  18. 伪善,是恶向所表示的敬意。

    Hypocrisy be the homage which vice pay to virtue .

  19. 对于不平衡的执著使你变得感觉迟钝并且伪善。

    Your own obsession with false-imbalances has made you lethargic and hypocritical .

  20. 伪善和口是心非是前苏联的特征。

    Hypocrisy and duplicity were as Soviet as stale bread .

  21. 求回报的善举只是伪善

    Kindness isn 't kindness if you expect a reward .

  22. 甚至当我说话时,我都意识到我听上去是多么伪善。

    I was aware even as I spoke how sanctimonious I sounded .

  23. 你不用跟我表达伪善的愤慨。

    You 're not going to touch me with your self-righteous indignation .

  24. 论道德伪善&对人性的一种剖析

    On Moral Hypocrisy & Anatomising Human Nature Moral Capital Theory

  25. 不,是我,伪善的监护人。

    No , it 's me , the hypocrite patrol .

  26. 然而,让这个伪善撒谎者当心德国音乐吧!

    But let the liar and the hypocrite beware of German music :

  27. 我是说,这难道不是一种伪善的表征

    I mean , isn 't that just the height of hypocrisy ?

  28. 他们正为自由而战斗,而我们的伪善政府却袖手旁观。

    They 're fighting for freedom while our hypocritical government stands by .

  29. 本书展示了亚洲富翁们大量伪善和傲慢行为。

    The book presents much hypocrisy and not a little hubristic behaviour .

  30. 让世界知道那些老练的伪善在这里。

    Let the world know the hypocrisy that 's practiced over here .