
  • 网络regimes;technological regime
  1. 标准化作为一种技术制度,是管理和规范国民经济与社会发展的技术保障,在我国各项事业的建设与发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    As a technology system to manage and regulate the national economy and social development , standardization is playing a more important role in construction and development of various undertakings .

  2. 进而进一步比较了模块化与分工的不同,通过建立技术制度分工组织演化的理论模型,研究了模块化对分工演进的影响。

    Furthermore , it compares the difference between the modular and division of labor through the creation of theoretical model on technology-system-division-evolution . The paper also studies the impact of modular on organizational evolution .

  3. B县政府的农业技术推广制度变迁研究

    Study on B County Government the Institutional Change of Agriculture Technical Extension

  4. 同时,FDI作为一种包含着技术、制度、管理经验、先进理念、资金、资本等项目的复合产品,对东道国产生着多方面的影响,不仅停留在技术层面并且存在于在制度层面。

    FDI considered as the " composite products " including technology , systems , management experience , advanced concepts and capital has many effects which not only in the technical level but also in the institutional level on the host country .

  5. 对此,文章从FDI对产业结构的影响方向、影响力度以及技术和制度两大外资元素3个方面来分析浙江省FDI与产业结构之间的关系。

    Therefore , the article then analyzes the relation between FDI and industrial structure from the three following aspects : the direction , the dynamics of impact of FDI to industrial structure , technology and system the two big foreign capital elements .

  6. 吉林建龙钢铁公司新建90m~2烧结机装备先进,通过不断调整操作参数摸索出适合其原料条件的技术操作制度,利用系数短时间内达到1.97t/m2·h,作业率达到94.04%。

    By continuous adjusting operation parameters of the new-built advanced 90 m2 sintering machine , the technical operation system to fit its raw material conditions is worked out . As the consequence the utilization ratio reaches 1.97t / m2 . h and working ratio 94.04 % in a short time .

  7. 论技术和制度在经济增长中的关系

    Study on the Relation of Technology and Institution In Economic Growth

  8. 绿色技术创新制度及其结构设计

    Design of the Institution and Its Structure of Green Technology Innovation

  9. 技术、制度和生产要素的组合结构&兼论企业竞争的实质

    Technology , institution and the combination of the factors of production

  10. 从技术到制度:我国量刑程序改革述论

    From Technique to System : On the Innovation of Sentencing Procedure

  11. 基于演化范式的技术与制度关系探要

    On the relationship between technology and institution from the evolutionary perspective

  12. 面向经济全球化的技术合同制度

    The Institution of Technology Contract Catering to the Needs of Economic Globalization

  13. 投入、技术和制度对宁夏农业增长的影响

    The Relations of the Key Productivity Elements and Agricultural Growth in Ningxia

  14. 少数民族传统体育运动员技术等级制度建设研究

    Research on the Establishment of Technical Hierarchy for National Traditional Minority Athletes

  15. 技术和制度是协同演化的,它们共同推动了经济增长。

    Technique and system is coevolution , they pushed economic growth together .

  16. 第二部分论述福州船政局的技术管理制度。

    The second part , discuss the technique management system .

  17. 代理与代表是两种完全不同的技术与制度。

    Representation and agency are completely different techniques and systems .

  18. 中国经济增长的技术和制度动因分析

    Analysis of the Impetus of Technology and Institution in China 's Economic Growth

  19. 高新技术产业制度演进路径的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on the Evolution Path of High-tech Industry

  20. 技术与制度的互动研究学科互动:民俗学与人类学

    On the Interaction of Technology and Institution Subject Reactions between Folklore and Anthropology

  21. 技术专利制度的经济效应分析

    Analysis of the Economic Effect of Technology Patent System

  22. 经济增长的源泉:资源禀赋、技术还是制度?

    The source of economic growth : resources endowment , technology or institution ?

  23. 产业技术创新制度环境评价指标体系研究

    Study on the Evaluation Index System of Institutional Environment of Industrial Technology Innovation

  24. 然而,各国高新技术产业制度演进路径却大相径庭。

    Nevertheless , the institutional evolution path shows a vast difference from each other .

  25. 公允价值、技术与制度改革及会计国际化

    Fair Value and the Combination of Technology Improvements and Institution Changes in Accounting Internationalization

  26. 技术资本制度解决技术创新成果的增殖问题;

    The technical capital system is for solving the multiplication of technical innovation productions .

  27. 经济增长中的资本、技术和制度的系统特征分析社会审计系统柔性特征及经济后果研究

    A Study on the Soft Characteristics and Economic Results of the Social Auditing System

  28. 投入、技术和制度是决定经济增长的3个变量。

    Input , technology and the institution are the three variables for influencing economic growth .

  29. 要超越路径依赖,必须进行相应的技术和制度创新。

    To transcend path dependence , corresponding technological innovation and institutional innovation must be conducted .

  30. 合适的人员配备、激励体系、技术等级制度和企业文化氛围是该体系有效运作的保证。

    Suitable staffing , incentive system , technology hierarchy and cultural environment are support systems .