
  • Technical elites;【辩证法】technological elite, technocratic elite
  1. 目前已拥有一批优秀的商务人才和技术精英。

    Now we have a staff of technicians , administrators and sales managers .

  2. 因此高职院校的双师型专职教师培养应以选聘产业一线出类拔萃的技术精英为主。

    So training of double-certificate teachers at colleges should be based on outstanding technical elites at the production line .

  3. 但是在幕后,法拉利的技术精英们正在策划如何从雷诺手中攫取领先的位置。

    But behind the scenes , ferrari 's technical brains were already plotting to snatch the lead from renault .

  4. 本公司拥有一批设计、开发和管理方面的专业技术精英及有十多年陶瓷经验的工人。

    We have expert teams of design , development and management , and workers of over decades experience as well .

  5. 浙江中盾机械有限公司现拥有一批专业的技术精英及业内的技术专家。

    At present , Zhejiang Zhongdun Machinery Co. , Ltd owns a group of technical talents and technical professions in the industry .

  6. 十年之后,决定投身应用程序开发行业的技术精英们可能会后悔当初没上一两堂应用数学类课程。

    A decade from now the smart techies who decided to become app developers may wish they had taken an applied-mathematics class or two .

  7. 最后本文将得出这样的结论:在农村社会中,能够世代延续的精英人物只有乡村技术精英。

    In the end , this article will give out such conclusion that in rural society last for generations is only rural technical elites can do .

  8. 公司拥有雄厚的经济实力和众多技术精英,高素质的营销队伍,快捷优良的售后服务,精心打造卫生用品行业。

    The company has strong economic strength and large number of technical elite , high-quality marketing team , fast and excellent after-sales service , well-built hygiene supplies industry .

  9. 公司汇集了众多技术精英和优秀管理人才,产品质量以及售后服务均受到客户高度评价。对客户的独特服务:售前、中、后一条龙服务。

    The company has collected the multitudinous technical outstanding person and the outstanding managerial talent , the product quality as well as the post-sale service receives the customer to appraise highly .

  10. 他说,尽管中国的航天计划并不比其他已进入太空的国家更先进,但是拥有一大批工程技术精英和科学家的中国得以取得稳步进步,而且是低成本高效益。

    He suggests that while China 's space program is no more advanced those of other space-faring nations , a team of elite engineers and scientists is making incremental and cost-effective progress .

  11. 以此期间的社会变迁为背景,呈现乡村技术精英得以世代延续的社会原因,寻找其在农村社会不同的角色、作用和延续的精英地位。

    This period of social change as the background , show the social reasons of rural technical elites intergenerational continuity , find the different roles they play and the continuation of elite status .

  12. 这种硅谷技术精英的自信态度也许是其一大长处,但在面对新行业的诸多挑战时,有时候可能也会显得狂妄自大。

    The can-do attitude of this Silicon Valley technology elite may be one of its strengths , but it can also sometimes look like hubris in the face of the challenges of a new industry .

  13. 技术官僚精英和欧盟(eu)机构的失信,将给民粹主义政客带来可乘之机。

    The discrediting of the technocratic elites and of EU institutions would leave a space for populist politicians to exploit .

  14. 鼓吹者将这里描绘成终极开放经济体系——一个无拘无束的技术型精英管理体系。这里欢迎外来者,任何好点子都能受到高度重视。

    Evangelists portray the area as the ultimate open economic system ; a freewheeling technological meritocracy , in which outsiders are welcome and good ideas rise to the top .

  15. 院士是我国科学技术领域的精英,研究分析院士思维背景、思维方法及其结构极具现实意义。

    Since academicians represent the highest level of science and technology of China , it is of great realistic significance to study the thoughts of academicians .

  16. 广州蓓熙服饰拥有技术雄厚的精英团队,一流的设计师,强大的营销系统,高品质的管理团队,成熟的生产线员工;

    BITT 'S possess abundant techniques , elite team , the first-class designers , strong marketing system , high quality management team , the mature production line employees .

  17. 为开拓国际市场,皇明集团专门成立了国际业务部,该部门拥有一批精干的技术、业务精英,还拥有一支强大的翻译队伍。

    In order to exploring the international market , Himin Group has Established International Business Department which have a batch of people , who are excellent both in technology and professional skill .

  18. 鉴于防空作战指挥系统目标分配问题的一般数学模型及分配原则,提出一种融合了小生境技术和跨世代精英选择策略的新型遗传算法。

    The general mathematical model of weapon-target assignment and allocation principle are presented .

  19. 他们因为自身的技术,相对于其他精英较少受到社会环境的影响和左右,易于延续与重生,易于保持其精英地位。

    Compared to other rural elites , rural technical elites , owing to their own technology , are less affected by social environment . Thus , it is easier for them to regeneration and rebirth , and easier to keep their elite status .

  20. 例如,当大批毕业生最终都去了硅谷或是华尔街时,印度人就政府是否应该继续补贴印度技术研究院经常展开争论,印度技术研究院是精英工程学院。

    Indians , for example , often debate whether their government should continue to subsidise the Indian Institutes of Technology ( IITs ) , its elite engineering schools , when large numbers of IIT graduates end up in Silicon Valley or on Wall Street .