
  • 网络technology licensing;Technology License;know-how license
  1. 差异Bertrand寡占厂商的技术许可策略

    Licensing strategy of innovating firm in a differentiated Bertrand oligopoly

  2. 异质产品Cournot寡头市场企业最优技术许可策略分析

    Analysis of Optimal Licensing Strategies in a Differentiated Cournot Oligopoly

  3. 本文将FDI(外商直接投资)和LICENSIING(技术许可)作为其潜在的渠道,建立了技术引进的模型。

    With FDI and Licensing as its latent channels , this article constructed the model of Technology Introduction .

  4. 对于DRM技术许可协议的反垄断法限制,文章主要分析了DRM技术许可中常见的专利联营以及具体的许可行为的反垄断问题。

    This chapter also analyzes antitrust issues regarding DRM technology licensing and patent pool licensing .

  5. 将近10年前,中芯国际从IBM获得了45纳米芯片制造技术许可,但该技术在当时已现老态。

    Nearly a decade ago , SMIC was granted a licence to IBM 's 45 nanometre chipmaking technology - already , at the time , a technology that was getting long in the tooth .

  6. 例如,IBM在高端服务器领域已经改变了在中国的商业模式:现在,它为中国制造商提供技术许可,而非试图销售基于其Power芯片技术的机器。

    IBM , for instance , has changed its business model in China when it comes to high-end servers : rather than trying to sell machines based on its Power chip technology , it is now offering to license the technology to Chinese manufacturers .

  7. 英特尔和ARMHoldingsPLC这类向芯片生产商提供技术许可的公司强调可运行复杂软件和协议的处理器所带来的好处,这样的处理器可让设备直接连接互联网。

    Companies like Intel and ARM Holdings PLC , which license technology to chip makers , stress the benefits brought by processors that can run sophisticated software and protocols that allow them to connect directly to the Internet .

  8. 据工业和信息化部下属的检测中心表示,一款为中国市场改良过的iPhone原型机最近获得了政府规定的一系列手机技术许可中的一项。

    An iPhone prototype that was modified for the China market recently received one of the technical licenses the government requires for mobile phones , according to a testing center under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology .

  9. 二是,信威公司外部采取产业联盟策略,实行技术许可、转让等经营措施,让更多地专业厂家来加入SCDMA产业联盟,提供品种更多、款式更新颖、总量更大的终端设备。

    Secondly , Xin Wei Company shall externally adopt industrial alliance strategy , and provide more kinds of terminal equipment with fashion styles and in large quantity .

  10. 其中,logit需求框架下的分析使得考虑新品牌产品相对于替代者的相对吸引力、边际成本、产品差异水平以及消费者偏好的差异对于创新技术许可决策的影响成为可能。

    The analysis under logit demand framework makes it possible to consider the impacts of the comparative attractive of new brand product with substitutes , marginal cost , the level of product differentiation , as well as differences in consumer preferences on licensing schemes .

  11. 如果对手的市场份额增加,它就会常常通过把技术许可卖给杜邦公司(DuPont)这样的主要对手(作为技术受让方,也是它最大客户之一)来赚钱。

    If rivals gain market share , it often makes money from the technology licenses it sells to , for example , DuPont DD - 0.18 % , its chief competitor ( and , as a licensee , one of its biggest customers ) .

  12. 美国的企业技术许可模式及其启示

    Mode of Technology Licensing and its Implication of Firm in US

  13. 买方与卖方之间的关系只凭一个技术许可合同维系。

    The only link between buyer and seller is a licence agreement .

  14. 我们当然可以将这项技术许可证转让给你方。

    Of course we can grant you this technical license .

  15. 技术许可办公室负责管理斯坦福大学的知识产权财产。

    OTL is responsible for managing the intellectual property assets of Stanford University .

  16. 技术许可中道德风险问题的价格契约治理机制研究

    Price Contracts for Moral Hazard Problems in Technology Licensing

  17. 你们愿意向我方转让这项技术许可证吗?

    Will you grant this technical license to us ?

  18. 从美国竞争对手那里获得技术许可也未能带来成功。

    Nor has licensing technology from US competitors succeeded .

  19. 事前技术许可条件下被许可企业自主创新投资决策研究

    Research on independent innovation investment decisions of the licensee under ex ante licensing

  20. 基于非合作寡占模型的技术许可研究

    Technology Licensing Based on Noncooperative Oligopoly Model

  21. 这些人利用他们的专利,强迫他人购买他们的技术许可证。

    Those individuals had used their patents to compel others to license technology from them .

  22. 竞争、外部效应与专利权人技术许可行为的扭曲

    Competition , Externality and Distorted Licensing Behavior

  23. 我们希望获得一项技术许可证。

    We contemplate obtain a technical license .

  24. 国际技术许可贸易中限制竞争行为的法律规制

    The Legal Rule Carried on the Limiting Competition Behaviors of the International Technical Permission Trade

  25. 技术许可经济学研究综述

    A Summary of Economics of Technology Licensing

  26. 技术许可、购买设备、收购等,也是技术获取的重要方式。

    Licenses , equipment purchasing and acquisition are also important ways for enterprises to obtain technology .

  27. 专利技术许可证合同

    License contract for patent and technology

  28. 技术许可证和外国直接投资的模式和趋势:其决定因素的经验研究

    Patterns and Trends in Technology Licensing and Foreign Direct Investment : Empirical Studies of Their Determinants

  29. 专有技术许可合同附件模板

    Model Contract for know-how Licensing Appendices

  30. 它已经同意将其码分多址技术许可授予中国联通。

    The company has licensed its CDMA ( code division multiple access ) technology to China Unicom .