
Increasingly divided EU ministers failed to issue a specific threat of further economic sanctions against Russia on Thursday , despite fears that the conflict in Ukraine was entering a dangerous new phase .
Fears of disruption following a Scottish vote for independence and conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine have damaged prospects for the world economy , the OECD said yesterday .
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said in a speech on Wednesday that the conflict over Ukraine is a test for the West , and that President Putin is wagering that he has greater staying power .
Past summit meetings have fallen short of their goals , and the latest meeting will take place when collegiality among leaders is at a low ebb , strained by conflict in Ukraine , territorial disputes in Asia and war in the Middle East .
During the Ukraine conflict , she pored over military maps ;
One clear goal is to break fragile Western unity over the conflict in Ukraine .
The intensification of the fighting in Ukraine presents the German chancellor with another set of stark choices .
China hs renewed its call for all parties to avoid acts that could intensify conflicts in Ukraine .
China has taken a carefully neutral stance on the Ukraine conflict , while more broadly expressing its support for Russia .
As a result , some German officials see the idea that China could take the West 's side in the conflict as wishful thinking .
Russia also sees China and the rest of the Brics as a buffer against western pressure especially over its alleged role in the Ukraine conflict .
The top diplomats of Russia and the United States are calling for immediate ceasefire in Ukraine 's conflict zone as well as negotiations between the conflicting parties .
Archil Gegeshidze , Georgia 's ambassador to the United States , said a lack of American action in 2008 set a precedent for the conflict in Ukraine .
FLINTOFF : Gutiontov says most complaints from the public about media in Russia are launched against the state-run media on the grounds that they spread disinformation about issues like the conflict in Ukraine .
And the major players in the talks , Russia , the United States and the European Union , are dealing with the conflict in Ukraine , so that puts the future of Syria talks in question .
France would have had the third-largest share for 2009-14 had it not postponed plans to sell an amphibious assault ship to Russia last year over concerns about its involvement in the Ukraine conflict , the report added .
And they have consequently left executives in London and New York asking : could the next phase in the Ukrainian conflict be a wave of cyber attacks on western finance – either to retaliate against sanctions or to spark fear ?
Despite the recent closings of a few McDonald 's restaurants in Russia against the backdrop of that country 's conflict with Ukraine , Europe was a relatively bright spot , with the Brits helping mitigate some of the pain in Russia and elsewhere .
While western sanctions imposed in the wake of the Ukraine conflict currently muddy the water , Mr Nangle says even before that many investors were concerned about corporate governance in Russia , although he argues this is an issue across many emerging markets .
The White House has praised a deal aimed at ending the bloodshed in Ukraine .
Western investors have largely shrugged off the military conflict in Ukraine , pushing global markets higher .
China says it is " deeply concerned " by the escalating Ukraine crisis with violence and clashes causing numerous casualties in east and south Ukraine .
The fundamental obstacle to a bailout is that many donors think there is no point lending money to Kiev unless the fighting comes to an end .
With the Russian invasion of Ukraine , military conflict has spread to Europe .
Further undermining the ruble on Monday , even before the downgrade , was a burst of fighting in eastern Ukraine over the weekend , resulting in the deaths of 30 people in a rocket attack on the city of Mariupol .
The European Commission has granted billions of euros to build new pipelines between Member States , which would allow them to share supplies more easily , while Ukraine has simultaneously been promoting the dispute as a reason for Europe to drop plans for alternative pipelines that would bypass Ukraine .
Concerns continued to mount , meanwhile , that the military confrontation between Russia and Ukraine could escalate beyond Crimea .
China on Sunday called for a political solution instead of confrontation after the United Nations Security Council failed to adopt a draft resolution on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine .
Deadly fighting continued Wednesday in eastern Ukraine , as the leaders of Ukraine , Russia , France and Germany prepared to hold a summit on the conflict that has killed more than 5,300 people since last April .
Russian officials have for weeks hinted at the need for peacekeepers in eastern Ukraine to halt bloodshed among the civilian population but which Kiev regards as a pretext for direct Russian intervention in the conflict .