
  • 网络pulau ubin;Ubin;Ubin island
  1. 用户瑞安奉建议行驶到离城市偏远的地方,像丹戎海滩或乌敏岛。

    User Ryan Phung suggests traveling to remote places in the city , like Tanjong Beach or Pulau Ubin .

  2. 国家发展部在1月14日发出文告,表示乌敏岛长期不填土,仄爪哇湾将保留现状后,作者写了这封信,向国家发展部长马宝山致谢。

    After the National Development Ministry announced that reclamation would be put off to preserve Chek Jawa , he wrote a letter to thank National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan for the decision .