
  • 网络Breath of Fire;Dragon Fighter;Breath of Fire-Ryuu no Senshi;The Dragon Warrior
  1. 我不知道我是不是龙战士。

    I don 't know if I 'm the Dragon Warrior .

  2. 龙战士是怎么回事?

    Now what 's all this about a Dragon Warrior ?

  3. 娇虎不是龙战士,你是。

    Tigress is not the Dragon Warrior . You are .

  4. 乌龟大师选龙战士?!今天!

    Master 's choosing the dragon warrior , today !

  5. 如果我不是龙战士,那我是谁?

    If I 'm not the Dragon Warrior , then who am I ?

  6. 你肯定是龙战士了。

    Haha , you must be the Dragon Warrior .

  7. 龙战士吃饺子大赛?

    And the Dragon Warrior dumpling eating contest ?

  8. 是的,我是龙战士。

    Yes , I 'm the Dragon Warrior .

  9. 师傅说我不知道龙战士意味着什么。

    Shifu says I don 't know what it means to be the Dragon Warrior .

  10. 你的意思是,我当然知道,我是龙战士。

    What do you ... ? Of course I do I 'm the Dragon Warrior .

  11. 龙战士的神圣大殿!

    The sacred Hall of Warriors .

  12. 我是龙战士。

    I am the Dragon Warrior .

  13. 龙战士说得对。

    The Dragon Warrior is correct .

  14. 作为龙战士解放动物的精神,他会考虑他们的外观和能力。

    As the Dragon Warrior frees the animal spirits he will take on their appearance and abilities .

  15. 你怎么知道我是龙战士,也是宇宙告诉你的吗?

    How 'd you know I was the Dragon Warrior ? Did the universe tell you that , too ?

  16. 这是最后一课,因为从现在开始,你们的训练就交由龙战士了。

    My final class because from now on ... your training will be in the hands of the Dragon Warrior .

  17. 他得知肥波是龙战士,并高兴地是有最后一值得对手采取的一部分,在一个传奇性的战斗。

    He learns that Po is the dragon warrior and is pleased that there is finally a worthy opponent to take part in a legendary battle with .

  18. 但是,可以一次过的魔术击败伟人的动物军团,其中包括龙战士,死鹰和蛇发女妖,仍然唤回传说传奇城堡?

    But can a once-great man of magic defeat a legion of creatures that includes Dragon Soldier , Death Hawks and Gorgons , and still reclaim the legendary castle of lore ?

  19. 这的确是坏消息。如果你不相信龙之战士能够阻止他。

    Master Wugui : That is bad news , if you do not believe that the dragon warrior could stop him .