
zǎo wǔ cān
  • brunch
早午餐[zǎo wǔ cān]
  1. Dunch指在午餐之后、晚餐之前吃的饭,跟早餐和午餐之间的早午餐(brunch)类似。不过,dunch要跟linner区分开来。

    Dunch refers to a meal enjoyed subsequent to lunch but prior to dinner , just like " brunch " is typically the meal between breakfast and lunch .

  2. 禽肉不是传统的早午餐的一部分。

    Fowl is not part of a traditional brunch .

  3. 周末早午餐//NewHotel。

    Weekend brunch / / new hotel .

  4. n.早午餐星期天她起得很晚,在十点半左右吃早午餐。

    brunch On Sunday she gets up late in the morning and has a brunch around 10:30 .

  5. 在英国,一天中的几顿饭都有它们各自的名字,比如breakfast早餐,brunch早午餐,elevenses午前茶,lunch午餐,tea下午茶,dinner(晚餐,正餐),supper晚饭。

    In the UK we have many different names for mealtimes , including ' Breakfast ',' Brunch ',' Elevenses ',' Lunch ',' Tea ',' Dinner ' and ' Supper '!

  6. 我们在凯尼恩学院美轮美奂的新餐厅Peirce吃了早午餐,美国高校变得更美了,这又是一个与我们那个年代不同的地方。

    Brunch was at Peirce , the college 's spectacular new dining hall ─ the beautification of the nation 's colleges is another difference from my era

  7. 套间空间宽敞,有的还配备阳台,一楼餐厅Uco做出来的早午餐是全城最棒的。

    The suites , some with balconies , are spacious , and the ground-floor restaurant , Uco , does one of the best brunches in town .

  8. surprise:惊奇绯闻女友最喜欢意外惊喜了。special:特别的我们听说BlairWaldorf有个二对一的约会。Paris:巴黎她妈妈Eleanor刚从巴黎回来。brunch:早午餐buddy:伙伴,好朋友SerenavanDerWoodsen来和她共进早餐。

    There 's nothing gossip girl , likes more than a surprise , And we hear Blair waldorf 's , got a 2-for-1 special -- Her mom Eleanor , who just returned from Paris , And Serena van deer woodsen , brunch buddies . -

  9. 我们本来就约好今天一起吃早午餐

    And we have plans to go to brunch together today .

  10. 想要品尝一顿经典的早午餐?回到中央公园来吧。

    For a classic brunch , head back to Central Park .

  11. 以一顿非正式的早午餐做为三天会议的开端。

    An informal brunch served as a prefaceto the three-day conference .

  12. 每天早午餐他们总是吃同样的东西。

    They eat much the same thing for brunch every day .

  13. “贸易风”饭店供应星期日早午餐。

    Sunday brunches are served at the trade winds restaurant .

  14. 这里周日提供的早午餐是全城最好吃的。

    The restaurant here has the best brunch on Sundays .

  15. 早餐就是我们的早午餐和有香槟作伴

    Breakfast is brunch , and it comes with champagne ,

  16. 为什么两个男性朋友不能去吃早午餐?

    Why can 't two guys who are friends go to brunch ?

  17. 我们本来就约好,今天一起吃早午餐。

    And we have plans to go , to brunch together today .

  18. 很少有事物能超过我喜欢星期天早午餐的程度。

    There are few things I love as much as Sunday brunch .

  19. 早午餐后我们就去机场。

    We 're going to the airport right after brunch .

  20. 你要迟了,星期日早午餐怎么了?

    You 're late . What happened to Sunday brunch ?

  21. 你们明天可以来和我们共进早午餐吗

    Why don 't you come over for brunch tomorrow ?

  22. 我会好好吃一顿早午餐,然后回家。

    I 'll have a nice brunch and then just go home .

  23. 那些早餐没吃就上教堂做礼拜的人也都吃早午餐。

    Those who go to church without having breakfast have brunch also .

  24. 而我们只会记得在这儿享受的精致早午餐

    and we 'll just be remembered only for our exquisite brunch .

  25. 今天早上我去了一个以自助早午餐而闻名的餐厅。

    This morning I went to a restaurant famous for its brunch buffet .

  26. 早点回来参加早午餐,好吗?

    Lily : Well just be back in time for brunch , okay ?

  27. 年轻人通常在办公室吃早午餐。

    Young people usually have brunch at the office .

  28. 我通常在星期日早上11点吃早午餐。

    Usually I have brunch at11:00 on Sunday morning .

  29. 额,我已经邀请他们来吃早午餐。

    Well , I 've invited them for brunch .

  30. 这个巧克力很适合孩子和早午餐。

    It is a perfect chocolate which is good for children and brunch .