
  • 网络Beef sandwich;corn beef sandwich
  1. 他点餐时说:给我来个腌牛肉三明治。

    Give me corned beef sandwich , he ordered .

  2. 我想我还是要一个热的牛肉三明治加上大量肉汁吧。

    I guess I 'll have a hot beef sandwich with plenty of gravy .

  3. 我路过一家餐馆就进去了,点了明炉烤牛肉三明治和一块煎炸牛排。

    I order the open-hot-roast-beef sandwich and a side of French .

  4. 两份烤牛肉三明治加蒿苣及芥末。

    Two roast beef sandwiches on white bread with lettuce and mustard .

  5. 这个碎牛肉三明治是我吃过最好吃的糟糕食物。

    This sloppy joe is the most amazing terrible thing I 've ever eaten .

  6. 嘿,你最后一次吃一个好的熏牛肉三明治是何时?

    Hey , when was the last time you had a good pastrami sandwich ?

  7. 万岁,生菜番茄牛肉三明治!

    Great ! Lettuce tomato beef sandwich !

  8. 杰拉尔多:我想要一份好吃的三明治,比如说培根、生菜、番茄三明治,或者稞麦面包夹熏牛肉三明治。

    Geraldo : I want a good sandwich , maybe a BLT or a pastrami on rye .

  9. 菜单上没有腌牛肉三明治,但是我可以给你一个里面有腌牛肉的三明治,像是我们的午夜特餐。

    Corned beef sandwich is not on the menu , but I can give you a sandwich with corned beef in it , like our midnight Special .

  10. 他还表示,“我们去了波多黎各的一个渔村,那里的狗过来嗅烤牛肉三明治。它们通常吃鱼内脏。”

    He added : " We showed up in Puerto Rico at a fishing village and the dogs turned up their noses at roast beef sandwiches . They were used to eating fish entrails . "

  11. 餐食:在B航站楼的公共区域,BoweryBayTavern供应费城牛肉奶酪三明治和汉堡,托德·英格利希(ToddEnglish)的FigsRestaurant餐厅供应地中海美食。

    Best dining : In Terminal B 's common area , Bowery Bay Tavern trades in Philly cheesesteak and burgers , and Todd English 's Figs Restaurant does Mediterranean dishes .

  12. 我想要两个烤牛肉的三明治和水果沙拉。

    I 'd like two roast beef sandwiches and fruit salad please .

  13. 有时,我们想吃一个汉堡——一个真正的有牛肉的三明治。

    Sometimes , we want a burger - a real , honest-to-God sandwich that began as a cow .

  14. 杰拉尔多:要是这样的话,也许我们可以找到一家卖法式蘸汁三明治或者牛肉芝士三明治的餐馆。

    Geraldo : In that case , maybe we can find a diner where I can get a French dip or a cheesesteak sandwich .