首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 史学家魏澹、王劭、牛弘等对纂修前代史和当代史做了大量工作。

    The historians , Wei Zhan , Wang Shao and Niu Hong , did a lot to compile the history of former dynasty and contemporary dynasty .

  2. 他使用得力的大臣高颖、杨素、牛弘、苏威等,坚持以农为本,兴修水利,使手工业和商业得到恢复发展。

    He entrusted able men like Gao Ying , Yang Su , Niu Hong and Su Wei alike with important positions N Emperor Wen also engaged in developing agriculture and constructing water conservancy as well as irrigation systems , which helped reviving handicraft industry and commerce .