
  • 网络Traveller's Inn
  1. 露茜夫人拥有汽车游客旅馆,这旅馆有50个单元。

    MS Rossi owns the roadside motel , which has50 units .

  2. 在许多大的“汽车游客旅馆”里,有餐厅及游泳池。

    Restaurants and swimming pools are available at most of the large motels .

  3. 在汽车游客旅馆或是酒吧间里,人们谈起话来毫无顾忌。

    Talk was unrestrained in the motels and bars .

  4. 公用电话亭、大部分饭店和汽车游客旅馆的房间都有这两种电话簿。

    Copies of these books can be found at all public telephones and in most hotel and motel rooms .

  5. 假如你觉得不合适要看医生,可与饭店或汽车游客旅馆的管理人员联系。

    If you feel sick and want to see a doctor , check with the management of your hotel or motel .

  6. 大多数的饭店和汽车游客旅馆的客房里都有电视机,许多还是彩色电视机。

    Most hotels and motels in the United States have television sets in each room , many of them in color .

  7. 在大城市或靠近大城市的汽车游客旅馆,收费可能要比这个价格更高,在小城市价格也许会低一点。

    Motels in and near large cities tend to be more expensive than this , in smaller towns the prices may be lower .

  8. 汽车游客旅馆,是指驾车旅行者的旅馆,主要供驾车旅行的人住宿。

    The word " motel " means motorist hotel and is used chiefly by people traveling by car . The travelers lodged in motels every night .

  9. 单身女客在旅馆或汽车游客旅馆停留的时候,会发现她所碰到的人,尤其是其他旅客,对她友好并乐于帮忙。

    Stopping at hotels and motels along the way , a woman traveling by herself will find that the people she meets , especially other travelers , are friendly and eager to help .

  10. 旅馆或汽车游客旅馆的地点虽然离校园近,比较方便,但是是临时住宿中最贵的一种,可能高达每人每天三十五到四十五美元。

    Hotels and motels , though often conveniently located in relation to the college or university campus , offer the most expensive temporary accommodations with rates as high as $ 35 to $ 45 per person , per day .

  11. 你告诉这位游客去旅馆的路了吗?

    Did you direct the tourist to the hotel ?

  12. 导游把游客聚集在旅馆门前。

    The guides assembled the tourists together at the hotel gate .

  13. 在文献研究的基础上,建立了游客投宿家庭旅馆体验的理论模型,并通过实证研究,得出了研究结果。

    Through an overall review of relevant literature , the author has built a theoretical model of tourists ' experience in homestays .

  14. 梅尔策夫妇最初的设想是为乘坐热气球的游客建普通旅馆,但最终的结果却是在这异常偏僻的地区开办了这座耗资400万美元、共设12套客房的绝世精品旅馆。

    The Melzers initially envisaged building a modest guest house for their ballooning clients but ended up creating a spectacular $ 4m 12-suite boutique hotel in this most improbable of locations .

  15. 该市商会的会长温。哈勒特(WinHallett)说十年前市中心还破败不堪,有的时候他会担心游客被简陋的旅馆吓走。

    Ten years ago , says Win Hallett , the head of its Chamber of Commerce , the centre of Mobile was so ragged that he worried about visitors being frightened away by the hotels .

  16. 基于游客体验的家庭旅馆经营策略研究

    Research on Management strategies of Home Hotels Based on Tourist Experiences

  17. 导游让游客们先去旅馆登记。

    The guide asked the tourists to go and check in the hotel first .

  18. 只要我们在旅途劳顿后,却被公路旁汽车游客旅社和城市旅馆拒之门外,我们就决不会满意。

    We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies , heavy with the fatigue of travel , cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities .