
  1. 你可以买游戏王机器人给我吗?

    Can you buy me the Yu-Gi-Oh super-robot man ?

  2. 您是怎么会成为全职漫画家并开始画游戏王的?

    How did you become a full-time professional manga artist and start to draw yu-gi-oh !

  3. 本论文将“游戏王”卡牌游戏简化成一个简单的版本,然后对其建立定量模型,评估卡组的性能。

    This paper transforms the YU-GI-OH card game into a simple version , and then establishes a quantitative model to evaluate the quality of a card deck .

  4. “黑暗”以及“魔法”在游戏王中反复出现,那么您自己是否对恐怖和超自然的东西非常感兴趣?

    " Darkness " and " magic " are recurring themes in yu-gi-oh ! . do you have any personal interest in scary things or the occult ?

  5. 任何人都可以用纸牌玩口袋游戏王,但是当你玩起角色扮演时就把它带到了一个全新的水平。

    Anyone can play pokeo with cards , but when you put on the costumes and you act it out , it takes it to a whole new level .

  6. 2006年国庆期间播放的《象棋王》拼凑了日本动漫《棋魂》的基本情节、男主角进藤光的外貌,以及另一部日本动漫《游戏王》的战斗系统。

    Broadcast during the National Day2006 " Chess King " put together the Japanese anime " Hikaru " the basic plot , actor Shinto light appearance , and another Japanese anime " Game King " combat system .

  7. 这是一款独一无二的手机问答游戏之王!

    Find the king of quiz games on your mobile !

  8. 游戏介绍:狮子王被巫师用魔法囚禁在高高的塔楼上,而且派了很多恶毒的大鸟看守,能拯救它的只有一只小小的老鼠。

    The game introduce : the king of the lion is imprisonned in the very high tower upstairs with the sorcery by the sorcery teacher , and sends a lot of evil and big birds to watch , can rescue it a very small rat only .