
yóu jī shǒu
  • shortstop;play short
  1. 游击手是我们棒球队的中坚。

    The shortstop is the spark plug of our baseball team .

  2. 神专用的性感游击手,大过于生活,大过于一切。

    God 's own sexy rookie shortstop . Bigger than life .

  3. 新内野游击手在二垒附近真是来去如飞。

    The new infielder really covers the ground at second base .

  4. 由游击手为二垒策应。

    The shortstop backs up the second base on the throw .

  5. 游击手:防御二垒垒包与三垒垒包中间区域的内野手。

    Shortstop - Defensive infielder between second and third base .

  6. 一个很棒的人,也是位真正厉害的游击手。

    A great guy . a really good shortstop too .

  7. 吉米,我们游击手有个大空缺。

    We got a big hole at shortstop , jim .

  8. 游击手暴投一垒,于对方得分。

    The shortstop overthrew first base , allowing a run to be scored .

  9. 且事实上,他也已成为一个更茁壮的游击手。

    And as it turns out , he also became a bigger shortstop .

  10. 泰勒朝游击手击出一滚地球。

    Taylor hit a ground ball to the shortstop .

  11. 正往回走准备接飞球的那一个是游击手。

    That is the shortstop who is going back now to catch the fly .

  12. 你是个很棒的候补游击手。

    You were an excellent backup shortstop .

  13. 游击手将球投给一垒手,后者将跑垒员淘汰出局。投手飕的一声把球投给一垒手。

    The shortstop threw the runner out . The picher whized the ball to first .

  14. 你知道垒球比赛那个游击手你叫她坐到我们桌子的那位?

    You know the shortstop , the one that you asked over to our table ?

  15. 棒球游击手站在场区外很远的地方。从奥运村到市区或到各场馆有多远?

    How far is it from the Village to the downtown or to the different venues ?

  16. 抛去时间和耐心不谈,最重要的,是他得抛弃至今建立起来、身为游击手的自我。

    Time and patience and , most of all , giving in to the reality that the entire identity he 'd forged was about to go away .

  17. 选择故意失误的游击手想的是球队的胜利,为了顾全球队的大局,他们宁可牺牲自己的个人成绩。

    The shortstop who made the errors had the team 's success in mind . He was willing to sacrifice his personal record in the greater interest of the team 's success .

  18. 内场,内野第一垒、第二垒、第三垒和被视为一个单位的游击手的防守位置二垒手:防御二垒垒包附近的内野手。

    The defensive positions of first base , second base , third base , and shortstop considered as a unit . Second Baseman - The fielder who plays the infield near the second-base bag .

  19. 突然传杀当跑垒员不在垒上时,由投手或接手进行的快速一投击球手击出一记离本垒不远的高飞球,被二三垒间的游击手接住。

    A play in which a runner is caught off base and is put out by a quick throw , as from the pitcher or catcher . The batter hit a pop fly to the shortstop .

  20. 一垒手、二垒手、三垒手和游击手则叫做内野手。

    The first , second and third basemen and shortstop are called infielders .