
shì jiè tǐ cāo jǐn biāo sài
  • World Gymnastics Championships
  1. 第26届世界体操锦标赛女子比赛述评&兼析世界女子体操技术发展与训练的特点

    Review on Women 's Events of the 26th World Gymnastics Championships

  2. 从34届世界体操锦标赛看自由体操的发展趋势

    Tendency of Floor Exercise as Seen From the 34th World Gymnastics Championships

  3. 如今,道格拉斯已经是美国奥运体操代表队的一员,其队友包括2011年世界体操锦标赛的全能冠军乔婷•韦伯(JordynWieber)(来自密歇根)以及金牌的有力竞争人选亚历山德拉•莱斯曼(AlexandraRaisman)(来自马萨诸塞州)。

    Douglas is part of a U.S. Olympic gymnastics team that includes 2011 world all-around champion Jordyn Wieber ( Michigan ) and gold-medal hopeful Alexandra Raisman ( Massachusetts ) .

  4. 记点、打分类项目裁判员个体客观性的非参数评价&兼对第38届世界体操锦标赛裁判员评分的个体客观性进行评价

    The Non - parameter Evaluation of the Referee Individual Objective in Subjective Grade

  5. 世界体操锦标赛决出五个单项金牌

    Five gold medals claimed at the World Gymnastics Championships

  6. 第37届世界体操锦标赛高低杠项目成套动作编排的特征与趋向

    Characteristics and Trend of Uneven-bars Whole-set-Movement Arrangements at the 37th World Gymnastic Tournament

  7. 第34届世界体操锦标赛单项决赛现象透视

    Perspectives on the phenomena of singles final competition in the 34th World Gymnastics Championship

  8. 第36届世界体操锦标赛裁判员评分的客观性及相关问题分析

    An Analysis of Objectivity and Relative Problems of Scoring in 36th World Gymnastics Championship

  9. 世界体操锦标赛在匈牙利开幕。

    World Gymnastics Championships opened in hungary .

  10. 从第35届世界体操锦标赛男子单项决赛看当前体操发展趋向

    Trends of Artistic Gymnastics form 35 ~ ( th ) World Gymnastics Competition Apparatus Finals

  11. 日本鹤见科科在伦敦世界体操锦标赛平衡木精彩表演。

    Koko Tsurumi of Japan competes on the beam during the Gymnastics World Championships in London .

  12. 第34届世界体操锦标赛男女团体成绩分析与思考

    An Analysis of the Achievement of Team Competition of Men and Women in 34th World Gymnastics Championship

  13. 自2006年以来,中国男子体操队包揽了世界体操锦标赛和奥运会的全部男子团体金牌。

    The Chinese men 's team has won every world gymnastics championship and Olympic competition since 2006 .

  14. 本周四,中国男子体操队以绝对优势卫冕世界体操锦标赛男子团体冠军。

    China outclassed their rivals easily to retain their men 's team title at the world gymnastics championships on Thursday .

  15. 四强逐鹿&第26届世界体操锦标赛男子团体赛述评

    Four Strong Teams Vying for the Throne & Review of the Men 's Team Competition in the 26th World Gymnastics Championship

  16. 1979年的今天,沃思堡第二十届世界体操锦标赛,中国马艳红获得体操女子高低杠金牌。

    1979-Maliyam of China won gold in Women 's Uneven bars Artistic Gymnastics at the20th World Gymnastics Championships in Fort Worth .

  17. 在世界体操锦标赛预赛中,那位上届冠军显示出出人意料的弱点。

    In the preliminary competition for the World Gymnastics Championship , the former champion gave the appearance of having feet of clay .

  18. 通过对1999年世界体操锦标赛的调研,认为目前我国女子体操高低杠整体实力仍然是各单项的优势项目,世界女子体操高低杠技术的发展,已显示出咄咄逼人的趋势。

    By survey and research on ' 1999 world Gymnastics Championships , We think our woman Gymnastics uneven team is advantage than the others .

  19. 从35届和37届世界体操锦标赛看世界男子体操单项发展状况

    Developing Trend of Man 's Gymnastics of World From The 35 ~ ( th ) and 37 ~ ( th ) World Gymnastics Championship

  20. 从2003年第37届世界体操锦标赛分析我国男子体操队雅典奥运会的前景

    Analyzing the Prospective of the Chinese Man 's Gymnastics Team in the Athens Olympic Games from the 37 ~ ( th ) Competitive Gymnastics World Championship in 2003

  21. 1983年第22届世界体操锦标赛上,经过与苏联的激烈角逐,中国第一次赢得了团体冠军。

    The Chinese team won for the first time the team championship title after a heated contest between the Chinese and Soviet teams in the22nd World Gymnastics Championships held in1983 .

  22. 中国小将罗莉今天在这里冲破东欧和美国选手的重重包围,夺得第二十九届世界体操锦标赛高低杠的金牌。

    Chinese rising star Li Luo broke through the stiff opposition of gymnasts from Eastern Europe and the USA to win the gold medal on the uneven bars at29th World Gymnastics Championships .

  23. 中国男子体操队在第26届世界体操锦标赛上获得团体银牌和单项二金、一银、二铜的好成绩。

    In the26th World Gymnastics Championship , the Chinese Team got the good results of silver medal in team competition and two gold , one silver and two copper medals in the individual events .

  24. 以程菲跳和第38届世界体操锦标赛跳马决赛运动员为主要对象,研究了世界女子跳马动作发展的主要特点。

    Taking the " Cheng Fei " and final match of vaulting horse in 38th Artistic Gymnastics World Championships as main research subject , this paper studies the developing character of world woman vaulting horse .

  25. 作为应用,对2005年第38届世界体操锦标赛决赛项目裁判员评分的个体客观性进行评价与分析,讨论了该评价方法的特点。

    As the practical application , the individual objectivity of referee grade at 38th edition of World Gymnastics Championship final event in 2005 was evaluated and analyzed , and the character of evaluation method was discussed .

  26. 本文采用录像分析法、文献资料法、数理统计法,对第38届世界体操锦标赛中获女子跳马前8名运动员的比赛成绩、动作难度、类型及完成情况进行了分析与讨论。

    By using video statistics , documentary and data , this article analyses the result , movement difficult , action style and accomplishment quality of female vault techniques in final of the 38th World Gymnastics Championship .

  27. 研究目的:单杠项目是中国竞技体操的弱项,尽管中国队分别在2008年的北京奥运会和2009年世界体操锦标赛上获得了单杠项目的世界冠军。

    Purpose of the research : Horizontal bar project is the weaknesses of the Chinese athletics gymnastics , although China won high bar project world championship in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2009 world gymnastics championships respectively .

  28. 以参加第35届世界体操锦标赛和九运会体操决赛男子自由体操的运动员为研究对象,对新规则实施后世界男子自由体操的发展和中外运动员的水平作了对比研究。

    With the information from final male free exercise competition on the 35th World Champion Games and the 9th National Games , this article studies the development and level of the male free exercise athletes home and abroad .

  29. 坦噶尼喀独立1961年的今天,坦噶尼喀(坦桑尼亚的一部分,在非洲东部)独立。中国第一个体操冠军t1979年的今天,沃思堡第二十届世界体操锦标赛,中国马艳红获得体操女子高低杠金牌。

    Tanganyika becomes independent 1961 - Tanganyika becomes independent The first gymnastics championship in China 1979 - Maliyam of China won gold in Women 's Uneven bars Artistic Gymnastics at the 20th World Gymnastics Championships in Fort Worth .

  30. 利用现场观察法,研究了参加34届世界体操锦标赛男女自由体操决赛的16名运动员整套动作的结构与完成情况。

    Through on the spot observation , this paper studies the structure and finish of the whole movement of 16 athletes of Men ′ s and Women ′ s final free calisthenics in the 34th World Gymnastics Championships .