
  1. 一个人的因果定业可以改变吗?

    Can one change ones predestined karma ?

  2. 问:国有定业改革进行了十多年,为什么困难企业还这么多?

    Question : Why are there so many difficult enterprises after more than a decade of reform .

  3. 一直以来,国内外学者针对制造业FDI流入的影响因素做了大量研究,而定位于服务业同类主题的研究则严重不足。

    So far , factors influencing FDI inflows to manufacturing sector have been studied a lot by domestic and foreign scholars . However , research on such topic related to service sector has long been inadequate .

  4. 定线外业测量要求测点准确,点位分布均匀,并测出地物特征点。

    Second , points of surveying must be exact , average and reflect character of objects .

  5. 绿洲景观的功能在历史时期经历4个发展阶段,现定位于种植业+畜牧业模式。

    The function of Hexi oasis landscape experienced 4 historical stage and nowadays was " cropping + animal industry " .

  6. 对于消费地指向型、技术与规模指向型及不定指向型制造业,聚集经济的影响存在明显的行业间差异和东、中、西部的区域差异。

    In addition , the impact of agglomeration on productivity varies among different sectors of manufactory industries and among west , middle and east China as well .