
  1. CT定位定性准确率高于B超。

    CT had higher locational and qualitative rate than B-mode Ultra-sound .

  2. CT图象各有其特征性表现,定性准确率86.67%。

    CT findings were different with the diseases . The diagnostic accordance rate was 86.67 % .

  3. 结论肾上腺肿瘤影像学检查B超可作为筛选手段,CT、MRI定位准确率高,定性准确率MRI略高于CT。

    B ultrasonography can be used as a screening procedure . CT and MRI are high in accurate localization rate .

  4. MRI对输尿管病变诊断的定位准确率为100%,定性准确率为94.7%。

    Localization accuracy rates of 100 % and specificity of 94.7 % were achieved for MRI in the diagnosis of ureteral diseases .

  5. 结果:61例CT检查均发现异常,包括眶内及球内异物,眶骨骨折,眶内软组织伤,眼球伤和复合性损伤等,CT定位定性准确率100%。

    Results All patients can be detected abnormal with CT , including intraocular foreign body , orbital fracture , soft tissue injury , eyeball injury and combined injury in the eye .

  6. 结果B超、CT、MRI定位准确率分别为84.6%、90.6%、98.1%,术前定性准确率为39.2%、69.6%、79.6%。

    Results The accurate localization rate of the tumors was 84.6 % for B ultrasonography , 90.6 % for CT , 98.1 % for MRI and the accurate qualitative diagnosis rate 39.2 % , 69.6 % and 79.6 % respectively .

  7. 结果:肾动脉造影对肾肿瘤的定位准确率为95%(P0.05),定性准确率为80%(P0.01),并发症少。

    Results : The accurate rate of renal arteriography was 95 % on the localization ( P0.05 ) . Its qualitative accurate rate was 80 % ( P0.01 ) . The complications were few .

  8. 结论T1WI+FS、T2WI+FS、GDDTPA动态增强扫描和MRCP成像技术对胰腺肿块的定位、定性准确率较高,联合运用MRI多种成像技术是鉴别诊断胰腺肿块的理想方法。

    Conclusion T_1WI + FS , T_2WI + FS , dynamic contrast of Gd-DTPA and MRCP examinations have a high accuracy for the location and the qualitative of pancreatic mass , which are ideal differential modalities between pancreatic cancer and inflammatory pancreatic mass .

  9. 结果16例N-CTC中15例完成,均正确识别梗阻的部位,结合ASI定性准确率为80%(12/15)。

    Results N-CTC in 15 of 16 cases with high obstruction were successfully completed . The localizing accuracy and qualitative accuracy were 100 % and 80 % ( 12 / 15 ) respectively .

  10. 结果:MRCP能清晰显示胰胆管的解剖结构,能较好显示胰胆管疾病的病变部位,对梗阻性黄疸梗阻程度和定位诊断准确率100%,恶性梗阻性黄疸的定性准确率94.7%。

    Results MRCP can exhibit the structure of pancreaticobiliary duct and the site of the diseased duct . The accuracy of MRCP in diagnosis of the degree and location of obstructive jaundice was 100 % , the qualitative diagnosis of malignant obstructive jaundice was 94.7 % .

  11. 结果:MRCP能清楚显示胰胆管形态,其良、恶性病变具有一定特征性表现,定位准确率100%(56/56),定性准确率93%(52/56)。

    Results : The malignant or benign lesions of pancreaticobiliary duct may be shown characteristic appearances in MRCP . The accuracy of MRCP for evaluating the site and the causes of these diseases were 100 % ( 56 / 56 ) and 93 % ( 52 / 56 ) respectively .

  12. 结论腹膜后良性周围神经源性肿瘤超声诊断有一定特异性,定性准确率高。

    Conclusion The ulstrasonograhic features of retroperitoneal benign periphery nerve tumors have some characteristic and ulstrasonograhic accuracy was high .

  13. 此法操作简便、快速、定性准确。此法操作简便,收率高于前者。

    The operation is easy , quick and accurate . This method is convenient , simple and gives good yield .

  14. 化合物鉴别定性准确可靠,能获取原油烃组成的详细特征。

    With this facility , it is possible to obtain accurate compound identifying and detailed feature of oil sample 's hydrocarbon composition .

  15. 第九条学校对学生的处分,应当做到程序正当、证据充分、依据明确、定性准确、处分适当。

    University authorities implement disciplinary regulations on the basis of justified procedure , valid and sufficient evidence , accurate evaluation and appropriate punishment .

  16. 第二章,研究了用气相色谱&质谱法测定玉米中四种常用的三嗪类除草剂的残留方法,方法快速,灵敏度高,定性准确。

    In the second chapter , a simple , rapid , efficient method was described for thedetermination of residues of four triazine herbicide in cereals .

  17. [结果]FNAC对猫抓病的定性准确率为94%,其细胞病理学特点主要表现为肉芽肿并脓肿样改变。

    [ Results ] The diagnostic accuracy of FNAC for cat scratch disease was 94 % . The major cytological features of CSD were granuloma associated with abscess-like change .

  18. 〔结果〕用质谱对各种阿片生物碱定性准确,用可待因作为检出指标灵敏度高,检出限低(1mg/kg)。

    〔 Results 〕 Identification of the alkaloids using mass spectrum is reliable . The limit of detection is low ( 1mg / kg ), using codeine as target compound .

  19. 14例患者手术摘除异物18枚,重建图像与术中结果对照定位准确率100%,定性准确率85.7%。

    14 patients were operated and extirpated 18 foreign bodies . Compared with surgical findings , the orientative accuracy of reconstruction imaging was 100 % , qualitative accuracy was 85.7 % .

  20. 颈内动脉海绵窦瘘1例,占1.56%。结论数字减影脑血管造影其定位、定性准确率高、图像清晰,在神经介入诊断和治疗中具有重要的临床价值。

    Conclusion DSA has high accuracy in the localized and qualitative diagnosis of cerebrovascular diseases and its images are clear so that it has important value for performing neuro-interventional diagnosis and therapy .

  21. 首先,从刑法规范出发对犯罪数额与量刑的关系阐述,指出本案在定性准确的前提下却作出了量刑畸重的判决。

    First of all , from the criminal law on the crime of amount and sentencing relations elaboration , points out that in the case of qualitative accurate premise has made the punishment is too severe sentence .

  22. 对北京、石家庄、郑州和济南1998年至2000年432旬的农业干旱模拟结果表明:农业干旱预警定性准确率为90.7%,定量准确率在87.5%左右;

    The results of simulated agricultural drought for 432 dekads in 1998-2000 for Beijing , Shijiazhuang , Zhengzhou and Jinan show that the accuracy of agricultural drought trend prediction is 90.7 % and the accuracy of agricultural drought quantitative prediction is 87.5 % .

  23. 结论:CT既能确切显示鼻窦良、恶性肿瘤的特征,又能清晰显示肿瘤的累及范围,做到确切定性及准确定位。

    Conclusions CT can accurately display the location and characteristic finding of paranasal sinus tumors .

  24. CT对脾脏占位性病变的检出率为100%,定性诊断准确率为67%。

    The detected rate and the right diagnostic rate were respectively 100 % and 67 % .

  25. CT定性诊断准确率95.9%(47/49例)。

    The rate of accuracy in qualitative diagnosis of CT was 95.5 % ( 47 / 49 cases ) .

  26. 对无钙化肿瘤辅以MRI检查可提高定性诊断准确率

    While , for the tumor without calcification , MRI scan can improve the rate of accuracy on qualitative diagnosis

  27. 目的:应用多层螺旋CT(MSCT)对输尿管梗阻进行病因分析,提高定位和定性诊断准确率。

    Objective : To improve the accuracy of localization and etiologic diagnosis of ureteral obstruction by MSCT .

  28. 20例小儿脑脓肿经过CT检查均获得了定位、定性的准确诊断。

    Precise diagnoses in the location and quality of 20 cases of infant abscess were ob - tained by the use of CT examination .

  29. 目的探讨原发性椎管内肿瘤的MRI图象特征及其诊断价值,提高定性诊断准确率。

    Objective To explore the image characteristics of the primary intraspinal tumors and the clinical value so as to improve the diagnosis .

  30. 结论MRI平扫和增强扫描对肿瘤的定位诊断准确可靠,对大部分肿瘤定性诊断准确,为诊断椎管内肿瘤的首选检查方法。

    Conclusion MRI is accurate in all localization of tumors and the majority of characterization and is the most valuable and first-selected method for diagnosing intraspinal tumors .