
  • 网络Bluetooth Speaker;jbl;bose
  1. 上周,法国电信运营商Orange在巴黎车展上披露了一款概念车,车上安置了两部平板电脑、一部诺基亚Lumia1320手机和一个蓝牙音箱。

    Orange , the French telecoms operator , unveiled a concept car at last week 's Paris motor show , fitted with two tablet computers , a Nokia Lumia 1320 handset and a bluetooth speaker .

  2. 捷波朗(Jawbone)推出的无线蓝牙音箱大受欢迎,公司趁胜追击,推出了全面升级的产品。

    Jawbone took its popular Bluetooth wireless speaker and made it bigger in every way possible .

  3. 因生产蓝牙耳机、音箱、健身腕带等产品出名的Jawbone公司昨日又推出了一款最新的音箱。

    Jawbone , the Bluetooth headset , health band , and speaker company , came out with a new speaker yesterday .