
  • 网络blue flower
  1. 他有一个小侄女,叫蓝花。

    He had a little niece - blue flower .

  2. 蓝花有只宠物小鹿。

    Blue Flower had a pet fawn .

  3. 略微发紫的大朵蓝花在6月初绽放。

    The large , purplish blue flowers appear in early June .

  4. 我想把一些蓝花和粉红花搀在一起。

    I think I 'll commingle some of these blue flowers with the pink ones .

  5. 结果表明:CCC具有降低蓝花棘豆IAA、GA含量水平的生理效应,可显著抑制蓝花棘豆花序生长,达到缩短花序节间长度的效果。

    The results showed CCC had physiological response to reduce the contents of IAA , GA , and could significantly inhibit the growth of inflorescence in Oxytropis coerulea , so the internode length of inflorescence can be decreased .

  6. 采用Shannon-Wiener和Levins指数以及Petraitis特定重叠指数对五台山蓝花棘豆群落的18个优势种群的生态位宽度和生态位重叠进行了研究。

    The niche breadth and niche overlap of 18 dominant species in O. coerulea communities in mount Wutai were studied by using Levins and Shannon-Wiener 's indexes and Petraitis 's methods .

  7. 蓝花星和紫罗兰为蓝线石、红柱石-叶蜡石型;

    Lanhuaxing and Ziluolan belong to the dumortierite andalusite pyrophyllite type ;

  8. 蓝花棘豆硬实种子特性的研究

    A Study on the Properties of Hard Seed of Oxytropis coerulea

  9. 田地被蓝花和红花覆盖着。

    The field was covered by blue and red flowers .

  10. 与蓝花鸢尾相似;生长于美国东部。

    Similar to blue flag ; the eastern United states .

  11. 蓝如矢车菊,如青钢,如冰蓝花。

    Cornflower blue , steel blue , ice blue .

  12. 西蓝花中的化学物质萝卜硫素可以减缓软骨受损进程。

    A chemical , sulforaphane , in broccoli can slow down cartilage destruction .

  13. 落基山脉一种开蓝花的长花距耧斗草。

    Columbine of Rocky Mts having long-spurred blue flowers .

  14. 这植物有很小的蓝花。

    This plant has tiny blue flowers .

  15. 山西五台山蓝花棘豆群落的数量分类和排序

    The numerical classification and ordination of Oxytropis coerulea community of Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Province

  16. 他折了一朵小蓝花,将它对着天空转来转去。

    He had plucked a blue floweret , and was twiddling it against the sky .

  17. 植物叶子或茎干变成红紫色。旧大陆多叶茎蓝花紫罗兰。

    Old World leafy-stemmed blue-flowered violet .

  18. 书中还缝有蓝花樱种子,可帮助书本生长成树。

    Jacaranda seeds are carefully sewn into the pages to help it transform into a tree .

  19. 黄酮广泛见于植物王国,让一些植物开出鲜艳的蓝花.

    Flavones are found widely in the plant kingdom , giving some plants vivid blue flowers .

  20. 里头有许多红花和蓝花,她头发上插了一朵红花。

    It had many red and blue flowers . She wore a red flower in her hair .

  21. 美国西南部(得克萨斯州)一年生草本植物,生长不旺,丝状叶,开蓝花。

    Low-growing annual herb of southwestern United States ( Texas ) having silky foliage and blue flowers .

  22. 民间蓝花布靛蓝美感及其色彩原理透视

    Perspective on the Aesthetic Perception of Indigo - blue of Folk Blue Printed Fabric and Fundamentals of Colors

  23. 北美东部多年生高大直立多叶草本植物,有稠密的开有蓝花的穗。

    Tall erect and very leafy perennial herb of eastern North America having dense spikes of blue flowers .

  24. 下一个配方是辣味花生酱西蓝花版本,它会帮你度过你不超过两周的素食计划。

    The next recipe is spicy peanut broccoli , which will help you through your two-week vegetarian phase .

  25. 蓝刺头属植物中的任意一种,具有带刺的叶和浓密的球状蓝花头序。

    Any of various plants of the genus Echinops having prickly leaves and dense globose heads of bluish flowers .

  26. 小蓝花是个很快乐的女孩,她还给她身边的人带来了快乐。

    Little Blue Flower was a very happy girl and she made all the others around her happy as well .

  27. 美国西部(洛矶山脉)的、尤其是生长在黄石国家公园热泉周围的、一种小形、开蓝花的流苏龙胆。

    Small blue-flowered fringed gentian of western United States ( Rocky Mountains ) especially around hot springs in Yellowstone National Park .

  28. 通过蓝花大叶醉鱼草组培快繁的试验,研究了对外植体的不同取材部位及不同激素种类、浓度对芽诱导及培殖的影响。

    This paper discusses the effects of different test types and concentrations of hormones on axillary bud and rapid propagation of Buddleja davidii .

  29. 勿忘草任一种勿忘草属草本植物,有一簇簇的小蓝花烈日当空照,勿忘晒干草。

    Any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Myosotis , having clusters of small blue flowers . Make hay while the sun shines .

  30. 他出神地想,这陕北高原对黄河的倾斜是默默的,不露痕迹的,就像红脸后生对他的蓝花花婆姨一样。

    Absently , he thought to himself : this sloping is silent and scarless ; it 's just the way that red-faced lad is to his wife .