
  • 网络mIR;MIR Space Station
  1. 亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机计划与俄国和平号空间站对接。

    The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia 's Mir space station

  2. 天宫二号空间实验室的三部分模块化设计,就是基于俄罗斯早在2001年就退役的和平号空间站(Mirspacestation)。

    The three-part modular design of the Tiangong II space lab is based on Russia 's Mir space station , which was in orbit until 2001 .

  3. ?俄罗斯于3月23日放弃和平号空间站。

    Russia dumped Mir space station on Mar.

  4. 和平号空间站不同重力环境下两相流流型微重力实验

    Experiments of the two-phase flow pattern under different gravity environment on board the Mir space station

  5. 但是苏联所做的事情之一却是公布和平号空间站的重量。

    But one of the things the Soviets did was announce the weight of the Mir station .

  6. 随后,他帮助研发了礼炮号和和平号空间站。

    He went on to help develop the Salyuts and Progress craft and the Mir space station .

  7. 有一件事很使我感兴趣的事,那是当和平号空间站坠毁时。

    One of the things that very much interested me was when the Mir Space Station was crashing .

  8. 因此,不像其他更老牌的竞争对手,华硕早期的笔记本电脑在和平号空间站的太空之旅中幸存下来,那是一个里程碑。

    So it was a milestone when Asus 's early laptops survived the trip to Mir , unlike those of more established rivals .

  9. 他们担心这样一个事实:即它(指和平号空间站)上面带有一小块放射性材料,可能会在地球上导致什么问题,他们不知道它降落的确切地点。

    They were worried about the fact that it had a little radioactive material on it that might cause problems on Earth and they didn 't know exactly where it was going to fall .

  10. 利用物理力学定律对和平号空间站坠毁过程作了比较详细的计算和描述,旨在使读者对航天器有关知识有更多了解。

    By using the laws of physical mechanics , the article is meant to give readers a detailed description and calculation about the sensational event of the falling of the Space Shuttle Peace so that the readers can have more knowledge and understanding of space shuttles .

  11. 1998年,当俄罗斯的和平号(Mir)空间站在地球上空数百英里处运行时,施崇棠(JonneyShih)在台湾密切关注着进展。

    In 1998 , as Russia 's Mir space station travelled hundreds of miles above the earth , Jonney Shih was monitoring its progress with particular interest down on the ground in Taiwan .