
zhènɡ zhì zì yóu
  • Political freedom;political liberty
  1. 事实证明,有时候政治自由的代价实在太大。

    Political freedom , it turned out , was in some cases just too costly .

  2. 研究人员称,奇怪的是,这种效果对保守派人士最为有效,政治自由主义者更不容易首先担心脏乱问题。

    Oddly , the effect seems to work most on conservatives - political liberals are less liable to be worried about mess in the first place , say the researchers .

  3. 张巍说,在随后的几十年里,经济快速增长、城市化,以及零星的政治自由化大大改变了中国,以至于中国人面临着一种存在的挑战。

    Rapid economic growth , urbanization and sporadic political liberalization over the following decades , Mr. Zhang said , changed the country to such an extent that the Chinese people faced an existential challenge .

  4. 中国人或许不拥有参与政治的自由。

    The Chinese might not have the freedom to get involved in politics .

  5. 文化场域、左翼政治与自由主义&重识《现代》杂志的基本立场

    The Culture Field , Left-wing Politics and Freedom & Reunderstanding the basic Position of Modern

  6. 没有政治结社自由的无限性是很难做到这一点的。

    No political unlimited freedom of association is a very difficult to achieve this goal .

  7. 换句话说,现实政治和自由国际主义殊途同归。

    Realpolitik and liberal internationalism , in other words , both pull in the same direction .

  8. 集权政治与自由经济&拉美国家政治发展与经济政策的变化

    Totalitarian politics and free economy

  9. 面向21世纪的中国拉美国际关系研究集权政治与自由经济&拉美国家政治发展与经济政策的变化

    China 's Research on Latin-American International Relations Facing the 21 ~ ( st ) Century TOTALITARIAN POLITICS AND FREE ECONOMY

  10. 汉娜·阿伦特论思的政治意义自由的最初政治意义&关于霍布斯的自由思想

    Hannah Arendt 's Study on the Political Significance of Thinking On the Original Political Meaning of Liberty & About Hobbes ' Liberty

  11. 但是科学界有政治的自由以及关键的国际渠道让来自整个地区的科学家相遇并讨论问题。

    But scientific communities have the political freedoms and essential international channels to allow them to meet and communicate throughout the region , says Greene .

  12. 这使法律对政治表达自由的规范受到前所未有的挑战,而且要求法律对网络政治表达自由权利的内涵、外延以及权利边界作出明确的规定。

    As a result , the connotation , extension and right boundary of the right of free Political expression via internet needs to be stipulated in an explicit way by relevant laws .

  13. 女性在妇女解放运动后获得了政治上的自由。

    Women gained political liberty after the Women 's Liberation Movement .

  14. 新公共管理强调政治中个人自由的重要性。

    NPM make a strong point of individual liberty in politics .

  15. 宪政是在自由基础上建立起来的政治体制,自由乃宪政之根。

    Constitutionalism derives from and is based on freedom .

  16. 我们今日所有的政治上的自由,是决不容易有维持长久的。

    The political freedom we have today will never be too easy to preserve .

  17. 美国的政治思想:自由主义和保守主义

    American Political Thought : Liberalism and Conservatism

  18. 从根本上说,个人政治和经济自由权的发展是与马克思的自由人联合体的理想相联系的。

    Individual political and economical free right are related with the ideal of Freedman associate of Marx .

  19. 当它被看作是依据道德获得的权利时,它有促进政治权利和自由的可能。

    When it is taken as a moral right , it can promote political rights and freedom .

  20. 作为向存在的存在者自成其是就是自由,这也是审美政治遵循的自由原则。

    Being what he is means freedom , which means the principle that aesthetic politics should follow .

  21. 本文开头以政治哲学中自由与平等相互间关系为引语,目的在于指出平等权的最初渊源。

    The theory of equal is based on the mutual relationship of freedom and equality in political philosophy .

  22. 这是一项艰苦、严肃和宽宏大量的行动,把政治和经济自由播撒到整个欧洲大陆。

    This was a painstaking , serious and generous exercise in spreading political and economic freedom across the continent .

  23. 契约伦理不仅包括政治上的自由平等、公平正义,而且还包括了伦理道德上的个体道德和社会群体道德。

    Contract ethics not only contain political freedom , equality , fairness and justice , but also individual morality and group morality .

  24. 个人政治和经济自由权力被消灭后,收入分配的制度安排也就完全服从和服务于国家权力结构的目标的。

    After the individual political and economical free had been destroyed , income distribution institution was subordinated to the aim of national power .

  25. 因为我们的敌人不给中国人民以和平活动的可能,中国人民没有任何的政治上的自由权利。

    For our enemies have made peaceful activity impossible for the Chinese people and have deprived them of all political freedom and democratic rights .

  26. 网络本身的特点导致了网络政治表达的自由和限度都需要重新平衡。

    The characteristics of the internet result that a new balance needs to be set between the freedom of internet Political expression and its limitation .

  27. 我国法律所保护的合法权益应当包括人身权和财产权外的其他政治权利和自由。

    At the same time , " the legal rights " should consist of other personal rights and freedoms , including personal rights and property rights .

  28. 数百年来,黄金曾经一度作为全球货币体系的基础,政治上倾向自由派的投资者尤其青睐它。

    The shiny metal , which for centuries was the basis of the global monetary system , is beloved particularly by investors whose political beliefs tilt libertarian .

  29. 约翰·洛克是十七世纪英国著名的哲学家、政治思想家、自由主义和古典自然法学派的主要代表。

    John Locke , a famous British philosopher and political thinker , is the main representative of liberalism and classical natural law school in the seventeenth century .

  30. 在思想根源上它是美国两大政治思想&自由主义与保守主义冲突与妥协的产物;它自身反映了个人主义、自由、平等价值观在不同利益集团中的演绎。

    It roots in the two political thoughts of liberalism and conservatism ; and it itself reflects the pursuit of individual interests , liberty and equality within every interest group .