
  • 网络two treatises of government;Two Treatises of Civil Government
  1. 不久之后,洛克发表了,《人类理解论》和《政府论》,这两本著作在各自领域都极具影响力。

    Very soon afterwards , he published his Essay Concerning Human Understandings and his Two Treatises of Government , both enormously influential works in their different spheres .

  2. 开放政府论论网络信息资源管理

    On Opening Government On Management of Network Information Resources

  3. 责任政府论小政府是有权威的责任政府&边沁功利主义政府思想分析

    The Micro-government : A Responsible Government with Authority ── Analysis on Bentham 's Government Theory

  4. 政治统治合法性建构说之比较&《政府论》和《大学》的对比分析

    On the Construction of the Legitimacy of Political Systems & A Comparative Study of Government and Great Learning

  5. 但由于阶级立场等原因,《政府论(下篇)》中也存在着历史缺陷。

    But due to some reasons of position of condition , there are some historical defects in The Second Treatise of Government .

  6. 在经历了小政府论、大政府论之后,现在世界范围内都认同了适度政府论。

    After the small government theory , the big government theory , now the proper government theory is commonly agreed throughout the world .

  7. 他们的有限政府论有相同或相似的理论前提,但是更有作为其理论基础的伦理哲学和认识哲学上的极为深刻的差异。

    Their theories of restricted government have the same or similar theoretical premises , but behind the premises their philosophy in ethics and epistemology are widely different .

  8. 在其不朽名篇《政府论(下篇)》中,洛克虽然没有专列章节探讨自由问题,但其自由思想作为其政治法律思想的精髓和核心却贯穿始终。

    In Locke 's Second Treatise of Government , there is no independent chapter about liberty issues , but as the core of it 's political philosophy , free thought is thoroughly running .

  9. 可以说,在洛克的《政府论(下篇)》中无不闪烁着自由思想的光芒,其自然法理论实际上就是自由至上的自然法理论。

    So , In Locke 's The Second Treatise of Government , free thought is all over the treatise with sparks of free thought , it is actually a kind of Libertarian Natural Law .

  10. 20世纪以来,大都市区治理机制选择一直是美国公共政策的关键主题,学界围绕巨人政府论、多中心治理和新区域主义等治理机制展开了激烈的争论。

    Regional governance in metropolitan areas has been a key public policy topic since the 20 ~ ( th ) century . Some scholars make a heated argument about the theory of gigantic government , the polycentric governance and the new regionalism .

  11. M.布坎南作为公共选择理论的创始人,其政府失败论是公共选择理论的一个核心主题。

    As the founder of public choice theory , of which James M.Buchanan 's idea of " government failure " is the core theme .

  12. 网络管理与政府职能论社会转型期政府在劳动关系中的职责

    On Governmental Function of Industrial Relations in the Transition of Society

  13. 全面建设小康社会和转变政府职能论实现全面小康的三大转变

    On Three Important Changes of Fulfiling an Overall Well-to-Do Society general corrosion

  14. 政府储蓄论债务重组浅谈

    On Government Saving Discussion about the reorganization of debt

  15. 探析耕地保护中的政府行为论生物多样性的保护问题

    Discussion and Analysis of Government Behaviors in Farmland Conservation

  16. 城市经营中的政府角色论析

    On the Role of Government in the Urban Management

  17. 机会公平与政府责任论我国区域经济发展中的效率与公平关系

    The Relation between Efficiency and Fairy of Our Country in Region Economy Development

  18. 规范化管理;政府储蓄论

    The standardization of management ; On Government Saving

  19. 进而详细地阐述了政府代理论的内容;

    As it goes on , the thesis elaborates the content of the theory .

  20. 人力资源管理信息系统政府储蓄论

    Human Resource Management Information System On Government Saving

  21. 政府储蓄论浅谈所有权保留

    On Government Saving Discussion on Ownership Reservation

  22. 政府代理论

    The Theory of Government as an Agent

  23. 对市场增进论、政府主导论、多元主体论、制度变迁论等理论依据进行阐述。

    An elaboration is made on the theories of market promotion , government domination , plural subjects and institutionalized transferring .

  24. 在解读政府失败论的基础上,通过分析公共选择理论的逻辑出发点,试图对立宪改革的理论蓝图和现实困境作一详要述评。

    This paper , based on an analysis of " government failure ", sets out a road map of constitutional reform theory and its practical dilemma through analyzing the logic start of the theory of public choice .

  25. 但这一本能反应面临两大问题。政府邪恶论意味着,政府永远不会当真缩小自己(新加坡的政府非常小,但最优秀的公务员享有200万美元的年薪)。

    But this gut instinct runs up against two big problems . The assumption that government is evil means they never take it seriously ( Singapore has a tiny state but pays its best civil servants $ 2m a year ) .

  26. 政府失灵论认为,政府调控是靠不住的,只有由市场机制调节资源配置,才能实现有效率的经济发展,即市场调节比政府调控更靠得住。

    The " Deficiency of Government " holds the view that the control of government is unreliable . Only if market adjusts the distribution of resources , the efficient development of economy can be realized , in anther word , market is more reliable than government .

  27. 基于公共行政价值的政府绩效评估论

    A Study of Government Performance Evaluation on Value of Public Administration

  28. 新公共管理范式下的地方政府改革&论政务超市的兴起与发展

    The Local Government Reform under the Background of the New Public Management Paradigm

  29. 加强省市间政府合作;论我国地方政府间合作存在问题及解决途径

    Strengthen the collaboration between provinces and cities ; On Intergovernmental Cooperation Problem and Its Solution

  30. 行政指导&一种新型的政府行为方式论要

    The Administration Guides & A Kind of New-Type Theory of Behavior Way of the Government