
zì yóu dǎnɡ
  • liberal party
  1. 从竞选活动的第一天起,国家党和自由党的领导人就难分高下。

    On day one of the election campaign the National and Liberal Party leaders were neck and neck .

  2. 沃纳还说他感觉受到了威胁,“我事实上有理由为我的性命感到恐惧。”但在这个讲话播出之后不久,他就出现在他的独立自由党(IndependentLiberalParty)的一个集会上,并且似乎很坚定。

    Mr. Warner also said he felt threatened , saying , " I reasonably actually fear for my life . " Yet shortly after the speech was broadcast , he appeared at a rally for his Independent Liberal Party , and seemed resolute .

  3. 传统上,自由党人被认为更加爱好和平。

    The Liberals were traditionally seen as the more pacific party .

  4. 有迹象表明首相正在与自由党人结盟。

    There are signs that the prime minister is aligning himself with the liberals

  5. 该政府实际上仍是一个由社会民主党和自由党混合组成的大杂烩。

    The government was still in effect a ragbag of Social Democrats and Liberals .

  6. 自由党的选举支持率从区区不到10%骤升至近17%。

    The Freedom Party 's electoral support surged from just under 10 per cent to nearly 17 per cent

  7. 超过90%的选票已经计过,自由党人应该能获得将近1/3的席位。

    With more than 90 percent of the votes counted , the Liberals should win nearly a third of the seats .

  8. 自由党候选人稳操胜券。

    The Liberal candidate is safe to win the election .

  9. 他加入了自由党一方。

    He has joined the side of the Liberals .

  10. 新闻界披露了那位自由党候选人的秘密活动,于是,他竞选失败了。

    The press pulled the plug on the liberal candidate , and he lost the election .

  11. 日前,挪威首相被抓拍到偷玩手游《精灵宝可梦GO》。当时她的自由党对手特里娜·谢伊·格兰德正在议会上发言。

    Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg was caught playing Pokemon Go while her liberal counterpart Trine Skei Grande was speaking in Parliament .

  12. BNP的一位发言人表示,该党还将与荷兰自由党(DutchFreedomparty)接洽,不过就集团领导人达成共识可能会很困难。

    The party would also approach the Dutch Freedom Party , a spokesman said , though agreeing on a leader for the bloc could prove difficult .

  13. 正确答案是,它是温斯顿丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)在一战前任自由党内阁大臣时说的。

    The correct answer is Winston Churchill as a minister in the pre-World War One Liberal cabinet .

  14. 作为特立尼达岛独立自由党(IndependentandLiberalParty)的领导人,沃纳接着表示,美国官员主要是受了申办2022世界杯失败的刺激。

    Mr. Warner , the leader of Trinidad 's Independent and Liberal Party , went on to suggest that American officials were primarily motivated by losing a bid to host the 2022 World Cup .

  15. 自由党国会议员陈卓愉(RaymondChan)代表着一个居住在温哥华郊区的大型华人群体。他表示,多数移民对移民安顿政策的关心程度超过了国内政治。

    Raymond Chan , a Liberal MP who represents a community with a big Chinese contingent on the outskirts of Vancouver , says that most immigrants are more concerned about settling in than domestic politics .

  16. 在此之前,执政的自由党-国家党联盟(Liberal-NationalCoalition)曾表示澳大利亚对外商投资持开放态度。去年,澳大利亚曾与中国、日本和韩国签署贸易协议。

    The ruling Liberal-National coalition has previously said that Australia was open to foreign investment , and last year signed trade deals with China , Japan and South Korea .

  17. Tyler继WilliamHarrison后担任美国总统。遭辉格党开除党籍,之后与自由党关系密切,但是又被劝说不要加入民主党(他曾经的党派)。

    Served the remainder of William Harrison 's term . Denied renomination by the Whigs , Tyler flirted with the Liberty Party , but was persuaded not to run by the Democrats ( his former party ) .

  18. 加拿大前总理、自由党人皮埃尔•特鲁多(PierreTrudeau)曾赢得少数族裔的广泛支持,因为他向来自亚洲和非洲的少数族裔敞开了大门,并降低了欧洲新移民为家庭成员提供担保的难度。

    Pierre Trudeau , the former Liberal prime minister , won wide support in ethnic circles by opening the door to visible minorities from Asia and Africa , as well as making it easier for newcomers from Europe to sponsor family members .

  19. 十四世德比勋爵面临执政3届弱势政府的艰巨任务,而当时的辉格党和自由党正在就反政教分离主义或石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因问题(schleswig-holstein)这类神秘问题争吵不休。

    It was the hard task of the 14th Earl of Derby to preside over three fragile governments that came into existence only when the Whigs and liberals quarrelled over such mysteries as anti-disestablishmentarianism or the Schleswig-Holstein question .

  20. 陆克文的这个声明,也有意在工党与自由党-国家党联盟(Liberal-National)之间形成鲜明对比。后者只是最近在澳大利亚民意转变之后,才开始认真对待气候变化问题。

    The announcement is also intended to draw a sharp contrast between Labor and the Liberal / National party coalition , which had only recently begun to address climate change issues seriously in the wake of a shift of opinion in Australia .

  21. 他们相信自由党政纲是唯一合理、稳健的选择。

    They believe liberalism is the only sensible , moderate choice .

  22. 仅仅为了不让保守党掌权,许多人投了自由党的票。

    Many people voted liberal just to keep the Tories out .

  23. 两兄弟都经历了自由党的衰退期。

    Both brothers lived through the decline of the liberal party .

  24. 自由党在本次补选中取得引人注目的胜利。

    The Liberals have scored a dramatic victory in this by-election .

  25. 自由党人因“自杀”引起了他的愤怒。

    The Liberals incurred his wrath for " committing suicide " .

  26. 自由党继续在密切关注少数族裔关心的问题。

    The Liberals continue to pay close attention to ethnic concerns .

  27. 其先例就是自由党的几次重大竞选运动。

    Its antecedents were the Great Campaigns of the liberal party .

  28. 第二部分自由党居于主导地位的原因。

    Section 2 The reason of the Liberal Party 's domain position .

  29. 自由党候选人轻易获胜,超出选票数以千计。

    The liberal candidate romped through with thousands of votes to spare .

  30. 自由党的衰落和工党的得势。

    The decline of the Liberal Party and the rise of labour .