
xù lì yà
  • Syria
叙利亚[xù lì yà]
  1. 我们即刻起与叙利亚恢复关系。

    We are now resuming relations with Syria with immediate effect

  2. 叙利亚的塞尔柱王朝始建于1094年。

    The Seljuk dynasty of Syria was founded in 1094 .

  3. 叙利亚人还没有接到出席邀请。

    The Syrians have not yet accepted an invitation to attend

  4. 这个团体与叙利亚的关系可以追溯到《圣经》时代。

    The community 's links with Syria date back to biblical times .

  5. 只有在谈判涉及重大问题时叙利亚才会参加。

    Syria will attend only if the negotiations deal with issues of substance .

  6. 很明显,这一态度的转变对叙利亚的影响最大。

    It is obvious that Syria will suffer most from this change of heart .

  7. 乘务员是叙利亚人。

    The crew-members were Syrians .

  8. 我们可以施加压力来确保叙利亚不在该地区扮演破坏分子的角色。

    We could use pressure to make sure that Syria doesn 't play the role of spoiler in the region .

  9. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。

    Through the medium of the Syrians Greek culture penetrated Persia .

  10. 2014年,联合国教科文组织给了意大利两年的时间来管理威尼斯繁荣的旅游业,否则这个城市将被列入另一个名单——世界濒危遗产,加入被叙利亚战争摧毁的阿勒颇和巴尔米拉等遗址的行列。

    In 2014 , UNESCO gave Italy two years to manage Venice 's flourishing tourism or the city would be placed on another list — World Heritage In Danger , joining such sites as Aleppo and Palmyra , destroyed by the war in Syria .

  11. 比赛的前一天晚上,她在开幕式上担任叙利亚代表队的旗手。

    The night before her match , she was a flag bearer for Syria at the opening ceremony .

  12. 2011年,对高失业率和腐败的不满导致叙利亚国内发生严重暴力事件。随着暴力事件的迅速升级,叙利亚陷入了一场至今仍在持续的内战。

    In 2011 , complaints about high unemployment and corruption into a civil war that still rages today .

  13. 只有伊朗,叙利亚之中的好朋友,仍坚定yu西方世界对立。

    Only Iran , among Syria 's friends , stood fast against the West .

  14. 他广博的爱心无私的延伸到了所有的种族和信仰tb麦考利;古叙利亚和古埃及的世界性的社会;同性恋、浪荡子以及其他更险恶的人在马赛港随处可见。

    His cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds-t.b.macaulay ; the ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and egypt ; that queer , cosmopolitan , rather sinister crowd found around the Marseilles docks .

  15. 而且,我们发现GMA诱发叙利亚金黄地鼠胚胎细胞的恶性转化。

    Moreover we found that GMA induced malignant transformation of syrian hamster embryo cells in vitro .

  16. 这将是不幸的,但不像ISIS在叙利亚壮大那么糟糕。

    This would be unfortunate but not as bad as Isis strengthening its position in Syria .

  17. 约旦、叙利亚、突尼斯以及也门都已增加了向贫困人口发放现金和福利的国家项目预算,增幅略低于gdp的0.5%。

    Jordan , Syria , Tunisia and Yemen have each increased the budgets of national programmes that give cash and benefits to the poor by just under 0.5 % of GDP .

  18. 作为一个在叙利亚首都大马士革工作了15年的中国人,Lu可以说一口流利的阿拉伯语,因此他的采访要求很容易就被接受了。

    As a Chinese once working for15 years in Damascus , the capital of Syria , Lu can speak fluent Arabic and so his interview request was easily accepted .

  19. 联合国安理会上周六举行投票,以求批准一份支持阿拉伯联盟(ArabLeague)计划、呼吁叙利亚总统阿萨德开始交权的决议案。

    The UN Security Council voted 13-2 on Saturday to approve a resolution backing an Arab League plan calling on President Assad to begin a transfer of power in Syria .

  20. CIA估计,整个中国的平均期望寿命为74.68岁,与叙利亚、哥伦比亚和匈牙利不相上下。

    The CIA estimate for the whole of China puts life expectancy at 74.68 , jostling for position with Syria , Colombia and Hungary .

  21. 去年秋天,很多志愿者看了尸体被冲到土耳其海滩上的叙利亚孩子阿兰·库尔蒂(AlanKurdi)的照片后,觉得有义务采取行动。

    Many volunteers felt called to action by the photograph of Alan Kurdi , the Syrian toddler whose body washed up last fall on a Turkish beach .

  22. 当以色列人后撤重新集结时,叙利亚突击队发动了攻击,用RPG弹幕吞没了以色列纵队。

    As the Israelis pulled back to re-group the Syrian commandos attacked , engulfing the column in a barrage of RPGs .

  23. 方法30只雌性叙利亚金黄地鼠,体重150-200g,随机分为五组(A、B、C、D、E、),每组有六只。

    Methods 30 female Syrian hamsters , weight between 150-200g , were subsequently divided into 5 groups ( A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 E ) . Each group included 6 hamsters .

  24. 如果你看过这些地图的话你就可以看到有相对来说比较少的伊拉克和叙利亚北部领土被ISIS控制。

    Again , if you look at some maps , you see relatively thin sanctions of northern Iraq and Syria under ISIS control .

  25. 当纳塞尔主义席卷阿拉伯世界,从叙利亚蔓延到也门时,它抵制住了贾迈勒阿卜杜勒纳赛尔(gamalabdelnasser)激进的泛阿拉伯主义。

    It resisted the radical Pan-Arabism of Gamal Abdel Nasser when Nasserism was sweeping all before it , from Syria to Yemen .

  26. 但罗姆尼说,他将确保叙利亚反对派能够获得更多的武器与总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)作战,而奥巴马则说他支持采取更多非致命性质的援助措施。

    But the Republican candidate said he would ensure that more arms reach rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad 's rule , while Mr. Obama said he supports more nonlethal assistance .

  27. 在利比亚,现在有50万至100万叙利亚及撒哈拉以南非洲的人等着逃往欧洲,意大利巴勒莫(Palermo)的高级检察官毛里齐奥斯卡利亚(MaurizioScalia)表示。

    In Libya , there are 500,000 to 1m Syrians and sub-Saharans waiting to flee to Europe , senior prosecutor Maurizio Scalia in Palermo said .

  28. 用叙利亚金黄地鼠胚胎(SHE)细胞的体外恶性转化方法,检测出偏二甲基肼(UDMH)可诱导SHE细胞的形态学恶性转化。

    The effect of unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine ( UDMH ) in inducing cell malignant transfonnationwas investigated with malignant transformation test of Syrian hamster embryo ( SHE ) cells , in vitro .

  29. 称这些改变会极大改变这次使团的任务,而叙利亚外长Walidal-Muallem称事情不是这样的。

    It said the changes would radically alter the mission , but the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem said that was not the case .

  30. 安南此前计划,在叙利亚军队今日从各城市撤军两天后,实现巴沙尔阿萨德(basharal-assad)政权与各个反政府组织之间的停火。

    Mr Annan was planning to bring about a ceasefire between the regime of Bashar al-Assad and the various groups fighting it two days after the withdrawal of Syrian troops from cities today .