
  1. 联合国(UN)已对叙利亚内战进一步升级进行了谴责,但对叙利亚人来说,战斗仍在继续,没有丝毫缓和的迹象。

    The UN has condemned the further descent to civil war but the fighting goes on with no sign of relief for Syrians .

  2. G8峰会谈判桌上,叙利亚内战和是否向叙利亚反对派提供武器也是议题焦点。

    Also on the table at the G8 Syria 's civil war and whether to arm Syria 's rebels .

  3. 叙利亚内战夺去越来越多人的性命,并可能升级为更广泛的逊尼派-什叶派(Sunni-Shia)冲突。

    The civil war in Syria claims ever more lives and is spilling over into a wider Sunni-Shia confrontation .

  4. 为平息叙利亚内战,美国国务卿克里(JohnKerry)与俄罗斯总理拉夫罗夫(SergeiLavrov)于2012年年中启动了一轮外界斡旋。当时许多西方国家政府都预计阿萨德政权即将倒台。

    Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart , Sergei Lavrov , launched a diplomatic process in mid-2012 to try and end Syria 's civil war a time when many Western governments were predicting Mr. Assad 's regime was close to collapse .

  5. 但是我们的第一个故事涉及到叙利亚内战。

    But our first story involves the civil war in Syria .

  6. 就目前情况而言,美国不会武装干涉叙利亚内战。

    The US has been reluctant to intervene militarily so far .

  7. 接下来是叙利亚内战的相关报道。

    Next up , a story from Syria 's civil war .

  8. 但逐渐发展的叙利亚内战正在帮助库尔德人。

    But the growing civil war in Syria is helping the Kurds .

  9. 叙利亚内战目前已蔓延到叙利亚边境附近。

    The Syrian civil war is pushed very close to Syria 's borders .

  10. 这些势力本已倒下,叙利亚内战又让他们站了起来。

    The civil war in Syria allowed them to get back on their feet .

  11. 叙利亚内战有明显升温形势。

    In Syria , there has been a significant escalation in the civil war .

  12. 这些是3年前叙利亚内战爆发时的景象。

    These are scenes from Syria 's civil war , which started three years ago .

  13. 如果西方大国继续袖手旁观,叙利亚内战肯定会持续下去。

    If Western powers continue to stand on the sidelines , the war will drag on .

  14. 今天,美国和俄罗斯的官员在日内瓦会面,商讨叙利亚内战问题。

    U.S. and Russian officials met in Geneva today to discuss the civil war in Syria .

  15. 叙利亚内战引发的暴力事件在黎巴嫩周边地区造成了更多的伤亡。

    The spill over violence from the Syrian civil war has caused more casualties in neighboring Lebanon .

  16. 叙利亚内战于2011年爆发,内战爆发前拉卡市的人口超过20万人。

    Before that country 's civil war in 2011 , more than 200000 people live in Raqqa .

  17. 国际特使拉赫达尔·卜拉希米将前往大马士革商谈结束叙利亚内战。

    International Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi is heading to Damascus for talks on ending the Syrian civil war .

  18. 会议将讨论包括叙利亚内战和伊朗核问题等首要国际问题。

    Top issues are expected to include the uprising in Syria and tensions over Iran 's nuclear program .

  19. 美国国务卿约翰·克里有望重启谈判以结束叙利亚内战。

    Secretary of State John Kerry is raising hopes for restarting talks to end the Syrian civil war .

  20. 对于霍姆斯这座古老城市的大规模破坏显示着整个叙利亚内战的悲剧。

    The massive destruction and an old town of Homs shows the whole tragedy of Syria Civil War .

  21. 中国经常和俄罗斯一起否决联合国安理会有关叙利亚内战等问题的决议。

    China has often joined Russia in vetoing Security Council resolutions on issues like the civil war in Syria .

  22. 这是叙利亚内战三年来冲突双方首次举行面对面谈话。

    Respective sides have not held face-to-face talks since the start of the country 's now three-year-old civil war .

  23. 批评者称美国在处理叙利亚内战和乌克兰的动荡问题上表现疲软。

    Critics say the U.S. has appeared soft on issues concerning the Syrian civil war and unrest in Ukraine .

  24. 禁止化学武器组织表示,叙利亚内战引发的安全问题限制了他们的行动。

    The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical says security concerns caused by Syrian civil war are limiting movement .

  25. 西格尔:上周末发生的这些事件对美国在叙利亚内战中的政策意味着什么?

    SIEGEL : What do the events of this past weekend mean for U.S. policy in the Syrian civil war ?

  26. 随着叙利亚内战跨过国界战斗技能得到强化的极端主义者只会对我们威胁更大

    As the Syrian civil war spills across borders the capacity of battle-hardened extremist groups to come after us only increases

  27. 我欢迎所有国家施加影响,帮助使叙利亚内战得到和平解决。

    I welcome the influence of all nations that can help bring about a peaceful resolution of Syrias civil war .

  28. 叙利亚内战已经导致70000多人丧生。

    Last week , the war in Syria , which has killed more than 70,000 people , claimed another prominent victim .

  29. 1年前他被伊斯兰武装分子逮捕时正在帮助叙利亚内战的伤者。

    He was helping victims of Syria 's civil war when ISIS captured him in Syria more than a year ago .

  30. 美国国务卿克里已经抵达俄罗斯,就叙利亚内战和其他问题举行会谈。

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Russia for talks on the war in Syria and other issues .