
xù shù
  • narrate;recount;relate;account;rehearsal
叙述 [xù shù]
  • [narrate;recount;relate] 记载或讲述事情的经过

叙述[xù shù]
  1. 我想叙述一下我的生平。

    I 'd like to narrate my life story .

  2. 着重叙述采用GPS和GPS-RTK建立线路控制和定线及放位过程中的工作要点。

    It emphasized on narrate how to establish line control using GPS and work mains in fixed line and fixed position using RTK-GPS .

  3. 我所用的措辞是纯叙述性的。

    The term I used was meant to be purely descriptive .

  4. 她的叙述从头至尾都是编造出来的。

    Her story was a complete fabrication from start to finish .

  5. 孩子们把发生的事叙述得颠三倒四。

    The children gave a confused account of what had happened .

  6. 她向警方详尽地叙述了所发生的事情。

    She gave the police a full account of the incident .

  7. 你对事故的叙述与她的叙述不一致。

    Your account of the accident does not agree with hers .

  8. 这部小说对话过多,而叙述不足。

    The novel contains too much dialogue and not enough narrative .

  9. 人们常常对同一件事的叙述大为不同。

    People often give very different accounts of the same event .

  10. 整个叙述只不过是一派谎言。

    The whole story is nothing but a pack of lies .

  11. 他对所发生事情的叙述含混不清。

    He gave a garbled account of what had happened .

  12. 小说叙述了苏格兰一个村落的变迁。

    The novel follows the fortunes of a village community in Scotland .

  13. 她哄骗他们相信了她叙述的事情。

    She beguiled them into believing her version of events .

  14. 她简要叙述了解决问题的计划。

    She sketched out her plan for tackling the problem .

  15. 本书扼要叙述了主要的研究结果。

    The book describes in outline the main findings of the research .

  16. 他们叙述了那些年里发生的事。

    They recounted what had happened during those years .

  17. 这部小说叙述不连贯。

    The novel fails to achieve narrative continuity .

  18. 她对于事情的叙述和另一个证人的说法完全吻合。

    Her report of what happened tallied exactly with the story of another witness .

  19. 他在前言中简要叙述了日记发现的经过。

    He prefaced the diaries with a short account of how they were discovered .

  20. 整个叙述听起来很难以置信。

    The whole story sounds very far-fetched .

  21. 她的叙述读起来趣味横生。

    Her account makes interesting reading .

  22. 这部小说是从这个女孩的视角来叙述的。

    The novel is shown from the girl 's viewpoint

  23. 她在叙述自己如何因为拒绝接受呼吸测试而被捕时再也控制不住情绪。

    She broke down describing how she was arrested for refusing a breath test

  24. 普里马科夫先生详细叙述了他和总统的会面。

    Mr Primakov gave a full account of his meeting with the President .

  25. 他的书总是采用第一人称叙述。

    His books are always first person narratives .

  26. 在我叙述的35分钟内,他们完全被我吸引了。

    I had their total attention during the thirty-five minutes that my recital took .

  27. 之后关于精神挣扎的叙述有一种令人心生卑微之感的神秘力量。

    The account of spiritual struggle that follows has a humbling and numinous power .

  28. 他自己的那些书和回忆录都是掺杂着半真半假的叙述和彻头彻尾的编造的大杂烩。

    His own books and memoirs are a farrago of half-truth and outright invention .

  29. 克罗斯简要地叙述了事情的经过,把当时发生的情况一五一十地说了一遍。

    Cross sketched the story briefly , telling the facts just as they had happened .

  30. 他脑子里充满了各种可能的结局,结果跟不上万达的叙述。

    The possible consequences so filled his mind that he lost the thread of Wan Da 's narrative .