
  1. 他相信该组织一直在关注叙利亚局势。

    He believes the group has been watching what is happening in Syria .

  2. 我欢迎美国总统保持与俄罗斯就叙利亚局势继续对话的兴趣。

    I welcome the presidents interest in continuing the dialogue with Russia on Syria .

  3. 叙利亚局势同样不容乐观。

    Events in Syria may also intrude .

  4. 在电话交谈中,他们对叙利亚局势表示深切关注。

    In a phone conversation , they expressed deep concerns about the situation in Syria .

  5. 然而,叙利亚局势表明,西方决定背上什么负担是有限度的。

    But , as Syria is demonstrating , there is a limit to what the west will take on .

  6. 威胁轰炸伊朗、置身叙利亚局势之外并非前后连贯的中东政策。

    Threats to bomb Iran and staying out of Syria do not add up to a coherent Middle East policy .

  7. 安理会也将陆续出台关于也门,巴林,黎巴嫩和叙利亚局势的结论。

    The Council is also expected to adopt conclusions on the situation in Yemen , Bahrein , Lebanon and Syria .

  8. 一位联合国的代表称面对国际社会叙利亚局势为最严重的危机。

    A representative from the United Nations describes the situation in Syria as the most serious crisis facing the international community .

  9. 再加上叙利亚局势也不稳定,眼下西方很有可能产生一种妄自尊大的危险心态。

    Taken alongside the unstable situation in Syria , there is now a risk of a dangerous moment of Western triumphalism .

  10. 而且目前叙利亚局势相当复杂,因为这个国家现在正在内战当中。

    This is especially complicated in Syria , though , because the nation is in the middle of a civil war .

  11. 奥巴马总统连日来在就叙利亚局势与国会磋商,并同世界各地领导人通了话。

    President Obama has spent many days now consulting with Congress and talking with leaders around the world about the situation in Syria .

  12. 一位美国官员回答道:“任何人说西方干预不会恶化叙利亚局势,都只是缺乏想象力罢了。”

    A US official replies : " anybody who says that Western intervention cannot make things worse in Syria simply lacks imagination . "

  13. 我们认为,叙利亚局势是对整个地区和平稳定的威胁。冲突时间持续越久,它蔓延到边境以外和引起邻国动荡的危险就越大。

    We believe that the situation in Syria is a threat to peace and stability in the entire region , and the longer the conflict goes on the greater the risk that it spills over borders and destabilizes neighboring countries .

  14. 成员国对叙利亚局势深表关切,主张这一地区应在不受未经联合国安理会授权的外部干涉特别是武力干涉的情况下,实现和平、稳定、繁荣和进步。

    On Syria , the member states expressed their grave concern and advocated that the region should achieve peace , stability , prosperity and progress without external interference , especially the interference of force , unauthorized by the UN Security Council .

  15. 过去这几天,奥巴马总统和他的整个国家安全团队一直在关注叙利亚局势。我们正在考虑如何应对叙利亚使用化学武器的问题,今天,我想就我们进行的努力提供一些最新情况。

    Well , for the last several days President Obama and his entire national security team have been reviewing the situation in Syria , and today I want to provide an update on our efforts as we consider our response to the use of chemical weapons .

  16. 美国人和欧洲人担心叙利亚会局势不稳,这似乎很荒谬。

    It seems absurd that Americans and Europeans are worrying about instability in Syria .

  17. 他看到叙利亚的局势,他决定去贝鲁特,做一个援助人员。

    He decided he would head to Beirut , follow the situation in Syria and try to help .

  18. 短期来看,我们必须尽一切努力挽回伊拉克和叙利亚的局势。

    Short term , we have to do what we can to rescue the situation in Iraq and Syria .

  19. 美国及其西方盟友对叙利亚的局势几乎没有什么影响,正如它们支持的叙利亚全国联盟一样。

    Just like the coalition they back , the US and its western partners have very little influence over what happens in Syria .

  20. 这些日子如果你向外交官或分析师询问叙利亚的局势,他们很可能会说还会有多年的战乱和分裂。

    Ask diplomats or analysts about Syria these days , and you are likely to hear predictions of several more years of war and fragmentation .

  21. 叙利亚的混乱局势已经让投资者感到非常不安。

    The turmoil in Syria is already making investors jittery .

  22. 两位领导人听取了关于叙利亚不同地区局势的军事报告。

    They were presented with military reports on the situation in different regions of Syria .

  23. 三方还讨论了伊朗核问题、叙利亚和利比亚局势等问题。

    They also discussed the Iranian nuclear issue and the situations in Syria and Libya .

  24. 土耳其的一些水坝项目也在一定程度上导致处在下游的伊拉克湿地干涸,并加剧了叙利亚的紧张局势。

    Turkish dam projects have also played a role in drying out Iraqi wetlands downstream and exacerbating tensions in Syria .

  25. 周五在日内瓦,红十字国际委员会称叙利亚的人道局势非常紧张。

    In Geneva Friday , the International Committee of the Red Cross called the humanitarian situation in Syria extremely tense .

  26. 双方在通话中讨论了叙利亚的当前局势以及朝鲜半岛的核问题。

    In a telephone conversation , they also discussed the current situation in Syria and the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula .

  27. 克林顿是从土耳其直接前往希腊的。克林顿在土耳其与有关官员讨论了很多相同的问题:利比亚和叙利亚的动荡局势以及经济与政治问题。

    Clinton came to Greece directly from Turkey where she discussed many of the same issues : unrest in Libya and Syria ; and economic and political issues .

  28. 一位联合国阿拉伯联盟的代表表示有一种解决方案可行,但他还描述了叙利亚的糟糕局势,而且越来越糟。

    An official who 's representing the UN in the Arab League says a solution is possible but he also described the situation in Syria as bad and getting worse .

  29. 赫尔曼还说,这名男子的避难申请在一年前遭拒,但考虑到叙利亚国内的局势,他被允许留在德国。

    He added that the man 's request for asylum was rejected a year ago but he was allowed to remain in Germany on account of the situation in Syria .

  30. 这注定是一场艰难的战斗,叙利亚和伊拉克的局势也变得更加复杂。

    This remains a difficult fight , and the situation in Syria and Iraq is incredibly complex .