
  1. 叙利亚反对派组织“叙利亚全国委员会”(syriannationalcouncil)表示,他们即将得出有必要争取外国军事援助的结论。

    The opposition Syrian national council said it was coming to the conclusion that foreign military help was needed .

  2. 同样对抗ISIS的还有当地叙利亚反对派组织。

    Fighting alongside them was the local Syrian Al-Qaeda cell - al Nusra .

  3. 叙利亚一反对派组织宣称对黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特的爆炸袭击负责,这起事件造成数十人受伤。

    A Syrian rebel group has claimed responsibility for a bomb blasted in Lebanon capital Beirut that it has injured dozens of people .

  4. 这个支持温和叙利亚反对派的组织发表了一份公报声明称将通过协调策略,采取措施增加对叙利亚反对派联盟最高军事委员会及相关温和武装组织的支持。

    The group , which supports the moderate Syrian opposition , issued a communique announcing that through a coordinated strategy it would take steps to increase its support of the Syrian Opposition Coalition , the Supreme Military Council , and associated moderate armed groups .

  5. 同时,决议也谴责了叙利亚政府和反对派武装组织滥用权力的行为。

    the resolution also condemned rights abuses by both Syrian government and opposition armed groups .

  6. 支持叙利亚反对派的西方主要组织表示在阿萨德政权杀害平民时不会参与由美国和俄罗斯支持的和平谈判。

    The main Western-backed Syrian opposition group says it will not participate in peace talks sponsored by the US and Russia while Assad 's regime is killing civilians .