
  • 网络Error Rate;mistake;FAR
  1. 通过SDL(规格和描述语言)图的描述以及有限状态机的设计,使复杂的业务流程变得简单明白,有效地降低了出错率,同时也使得软件结构明晰,易于维护。

    Via SDL diagram describing and FSM designing , complex procedures are simplified and error rate is reduced , the software is clearly structured and has good maintainability .

  2. 低效率,高出错率以及人员的浪费等现象在传统生产过程中日益突出。

    Phenomenon , such as low efficiency , high error rate and the waste of labor is evidence day after day .

  3. 传统的凸轮CAD设计方法在设计过程中需要进行大量重复的人机交互操作,效率低且出错率高。

    The traditional cam CAD System is inefficient and the error rate is so high .

  4. 没有测试,Ruby应用程序每行代码的出错率要比有测试的情况高很多。

    Without testing , Ruby applications would have a much higher incidence of error per line of code than they do .

  5. 在自动运行期间,VMS将按照存储点自动运行,精确度为0.1度(角度误差),出错率为零。

    During automatic operation , the stored points are implemented by the VMS with an accuracy of0.1 degrees of angle-error-free !

  6. 在PSC(普通话水平测试)中,单字试题的出错率总是高于词语试题。

    The proportion of faults in Character Question is always higher than that in Words and Phrases Question in PSC ( the Putonghua proficiency test ) .

  7. 为提高企业间信息系统单证处理的效率和减少纸质单据的出错率,众多企业开始应用EDI技术。

    To improve the documents ' processing efficiency of information systems and reduce the error rate of paper documents among different enterprises , many of them begin to use EDI technology .

  8. 对二阶Markov无线信道模型中符号级RS(n,k)编码残余分组出错率进行了分析,提出了一种估算解码失真的解析方法,并根据失真结果探讨了一种最优FEC编码速率策略。

    The residual packet loss rate of symbol level RS ( n , k ) coding in two-state Markov wireless channel model was introduced . An analytical approach to model the decoder distortion and the optimization problem for FEC code rate was discussed .

  9. 利用统计方法,分析了光学系统硬件误差对用Hopfield神经网络作联想记忆时出错率的影响,导出了系统的误差与出错率关系的近似公式,并给出了模拟结果。

    The error of optical hardware , which influences the error probability of associative memory in Hopfield neural network , is analyzed by menas of statistical method . The approximate formula and modulation result of error probability versus hardware error are proposed .

  10. 该系统易于使用,且出错率低。

    The system is easy to use with low error rate .

  11. 还解决了人工录入时较高的出错率。

    Also address the high error rate when the manual entry .

  12. 它的中介框架测试良好,并且出错率低。

    Its mediating framework is well tested and less error prone .

  13. 出错率,回头客,顾客满意度,新产品的引入。

    Error rates , customer returns , customer satisfaction , new product introduction .

  14. 光盘的出错率分析和研究

    Analysis and study of optical disk error rate

  15. 哪部分出错率最高?

    What parts have the highest error rates ?

  16. 说明通过使用改造后的称重系统降低了秤单的出错率。

    By using a modified weighing system reduces the error rate of balance sheet .

  17. 这种方案比既有方案代码改动量少,出错率低。

    This scheme changes less code and has lower error rate than the old scheme .

  18. 这样电脑就会知道到哪里去找特定的信息,从而减少出错率。

    A computer would then know where to look for specific information , reducing the chance of error .

  19. 你已经从长时间的工作中学到了许多经验教训,工作出错率将减少到最低程度。

    The rate of mistaken tasks would be minimized because you have learned lessons from long-time working experience .

  20. 缸套出厂前往往依靠人工检测,效率低下,出错率高。

    Relying on the artificial detection on cylinder linder , results in the low efficiency and high error rate .

  21. 粗粒度操作的参数(使用消息作为输入、输出和故障参数)出错率较低。

    Coarse-grained operation parameters ( using messages for input , output , and fault ) are less error prone .

  22. 件杂货运输中,由于不同货主的货物品种多、批量小,增加了货物装卸的难度和时间,并且出错率高,最终导致成本增加。

    In the general cargo transportation , It takes a long time to load and unload cargoes for the variety .

  23. 刀具信息的自动采集是实现制造单元敏捷性的关键,它不仅可以解决刀具库存中手工录入刀具信息速度慢、出错率高的问题;

    The automatic collection of tool data information is the key . point to actualize the agile of manufacturing cell .

  24. 据一些俱乐部经营者反应,其购买的产品的成绩显示功能出错率非常高。

    According to some club operator responded that its purchase 's product 's result demonstration function error ratio is high .

  25. 快速完成全部工作,且出错率在平均水平以下。

    Work at a speed that will get all of the work out with a below average number of mistakes .

  26. 过于复杂的代码难以测试和维护,这通常还意味着更高的出错率。

    Overly complex code is hard to test and maintain , which means it usually has a higher incidence of defects .

  27. 这些数据采用手工操作,工作量大,出错率高。

    These data has been done by hand , the work load is large , the rate of making mistakes is high .

  28. 本文为此作了一次随机调查,对调查材料的统计分析表明,单字试题中语素字的出错率大约是词字的2倍。

    A random investigation demonstrates that the proportion of faults of morpheme characters doubles that of word characters in the Character Question .

  29. 但与有线网络相比,无线局域网的缺点是:1、数据的出错率高;

    But compared with wired network , the shortcomings of wireless network are : 1 data transmitting with high bit errors ratio ;

  30. 解决了网络管理维护中普遍存在的效率低下、出错率高,时效性差的问题。

    This solves the problems of low efficiency , high ratio of making mistake , low timelines often appears on network management .