
guò chéng
  • process;procedure;course;transversion;plication
过程 [guò chéng]
  • [process;course] 事物发展所经过的程序;阶段

  • 操作过程

  • 植物生长过程

过程[guò chéng]
  1. 雇员在决策的过程中应该有发言权。

    Employees should have a voice in the decision-making process .

  2. 精子与卵子结合开始受精过程。

    The sperm fuses with the egg to begin the process of fertilization .

  3. 在审讯过程中,他始终把自己说成是受害者。

    Throughout the trial , he portrayed himself as the victim .

  4. 在整个审讯过程中他表现得文雅而有尊严。

    He conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout the trial .

  5. 他们观看了机器零件的组装过程。

    They observed how the parts of the machine fitted together .

  6. 他在建立这个系统的过程中扮演了主要的角色。

    He played a major role in setting up the system .

  7. 这本书描述了从绝望到高兴的心理变化过程。

    The book describes a spiritual journey from despair to happiness .

  8. 他在终止冲突的过程中起了重要作用。

    He was instrumental in bringing about an end to the conflict .

  9. 她在与我交往的过程中总是彬彬有礼。

    She has always been very polite in her dealings with me .

  10. 登山过程中有三人死亡。

    Three people died during an assault on the mountain .

  11. 在改组过程中南方电视公司失去了特许经营权。

    In the reorganization , Southern Television lost their franchise .

  12. 生产过程可能要受到产品设计目的的影响。

    Manufacturing processes may be affected by the functionality of the product .

  13. 我这一代人在成长过程中没有经历过世界大战。

    My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war .

  14. 在整个采访过程中,记者忙不迭地记个不停。

    Throughout the interview the journalists scribbled away furiously .

  15. 抢劫过程中有三人被开枪打死。

    Three people were shot dead during the robbery .

  16. 委员会的审议过程是绝对保密的。

    The deliberations of the committee are completely confidential .

  17. 在整个审讯过程中,他始终沉默以保持尊严。

    Throughout his trial he maintained a dignified silence .

  18. 我试图申请新护照的过程变成了一场官样文章的噩梦。

    My attempt to get a new passport turned into a Kafkaesque nightmare .

  19. 面试过程中,他们的确使我忐忑不安。

    They really made me sweat during the interview .

  20. 有些妇女惧怕在分娩过程中失去控制。

    Some women have a terror of losing control in the birth process .

  21. 戒毒对他是个漫长、痛苦的过程。

    Coming off the drug was a long and painful process for him .

  22. 他像是不受衰老过程的影响,青春永驻。

    He 's a real Dorian Gray , apparently untouched by the ageing process .

  23. 收集材料的过程慢得让人难受。

    Collecting data is a painfully slow process .

  24. 这种疾病的康复过程缓慢。

    Recovery from the disease is very gradual .

  25. 调查过程中未发现新证据。

    No new evidence emerged during the investigation .

  26. 反应过程中产生高热。

    Intense heat is released in the reaction .

  27. 现在的生产过程高度机械化。

    The production process is now highly mechanized .

  28. 许多生物变化过程都是由激素控制的。

    Many biological processes are controlled by hormones .

  29. 整个生产过程已自动化。

    The entire manufacturing process has been automated .

  30. 在项目进行过程当中改变方针是个大胆的决定。

    It was a brave decision to change tack in the middle of the project .