
ǒu rán shì jiàn
  • Incidents;fortuitous event;happenstance;happenchance
偶然事件 [ǒu rán shì jiàn]
  • (1) [accidental means]∶突然的、未预料到的且非故意的或有意的对接受保险的人将造成损害的行为或事件

  • (2) [occurrence]∶指意外地和非预谋而发生的某事

  • 一次灾难性的偶然事件

  • 一次不寻常的偶然事件

  1. 同样重要的是,政府也学到日常政治生活中的偶然事件也会扰人不休,令人气馁。

    Just as importantly , the coalition has learned that the messy happenstance of everyday government can be disruptive and demoralising .

  2. ATM相关部门表示,这只是偶然事件,比例相当低,在10亿笔ATM交易中才会有一次发生。

    The ATM districts say this is an isolated incident affected in tiny percentage of 1 billion yieldly ATM transactions .

  3. 这样的AI代码需要构建在这样的基础上:灵活并且能够响应各种偶然事件。

    The AI code needs to be built on a foundation that is flexible enough to respond to any eventuality .

  4. 与外援以及与债务有关的私人资本相比较,FDI具有很好的稳定性和很少受偶然事件影响的特点。

    Compared with foreign official assists and liabilities to be in connection with private capitals , it is characterized by stability and seldom subject to incidents .

  5. ATM交易发言人KurtHelwig说这是一个单独的偶然事件。

    ATM trade spokesman Kurt Helwig said it was an isolated incident .

  6. 或许Neato先来不是偶然事件。

    Perhaps it 's no accident that Neato comes first .

  7. 也是在那个月,在国会议员的强烈质疑下,弗里登承认,CDC实验室的失误不是孤立的偶然事件,而是更大范围的不安全操作倾向的一部分。

    Under harsh questioning from members of Congress that month , Dr. Frieden admitted that the errors at C.D.C. labs were not isolated mishaps , but rather part of a broad pattern of unsafe practices .

  8. 同样还有一个重要的”政治“偶然事件。

    A large political contingent was also on hand led by Rep.

  9. 这是一次偶然事件。就是这样。

    It was an accident , and that 's that .

  10. 这一偶然事件成了一项重大科学发现的前奏

    The accident is the preface to a great scientific discovery

  11. 偶然事件;杂项adj.附带的;偶然的;容易发生的享受露营的快乐时,难免也会有些不便之处。

    incidental Certain discomforts are incidental to the joys of camping out .

  12. 偶然事件下框架结构抗连续倒塌分析

    Prevention of progressive collapse for frame structure in abnormal incidents

  13. 这本书是一个符号系统用于识别秩序偶然事件。

    The book is a symbolsystem used to identify order in chance events .

  14. 他确信那是一次偶然事件。

    He was satisfied that it was an accident .

  15. 小说中大量的巧合和偶然事件就是为了说明苔丝悲剧的不可避免性。

    Large numbers of coincidences and accidents are to illustrate the inevitable tragedy .

  16. 进来老鼠难道不能是偶然事件?

    Can 't a rat get in by chance ?

  17. 因此,历史是一连串不连贯的偶然事件,而不再是唯一确定的。

    Therefore , history becomes uncertain and meaningless .

  18. 降低偶然事件、计算错误或电讯失灵引起战争危险国际委员会;

    International Commission on reduction of risk of war through accident , miscalculation and ;

  19. 客观因素包括各种突发和偶然事件、玩教具的影响等。

    Objective factors include accidental affairs , toys and teacher aids and so on .

  20. 不承认对偶然事件承担责任。

    Don 't admit liability for the accident .

  21. 然而对不少科学家来说,偶然事件却是一个很好很有用的概念。

    But to many scientists , chance is a perfectly respectable and useful concept .

  22. 经过一连串偶然事件他们才相识。

    They met through a series of accidents .

  23. 对她母亲来说,她萦绕在心头的那件往事,只不过是一件烟消云散的偶然事件。

    That haunting episode of bygone days was to her mother but a passing accident .

  24. 科技创新是一个偶然事件,我国科技条件投入不足问题是存在的,但是更严重的问题是分配的不均衡性和资源的条块分割,这才是阻碍企业科技创新效率提高的结症。

    There is a serious problem that the Scientific Conditions ' aren 't equiangular distributed .

  25. 偶然事件对于命运的改变,比许多人以前想象的要大得多。

    Chance events play a much larger role in life than many people once imagined .

  26. 我想,这次偶然事件使我们知道了一个重大的秘密。

    My supposition is that sheer chance has made us privy to an important secret .

  27. 当然,九月股市表现糟糕也可能完全属于偶然事件。

    To be sure , September 's poor performance could be due to mere chance .

  28. 这个偶然事件使所有人都从中获益。

    It paid off for everyone .

  29. 这是一个异乎寻常的偶然事件。

    It was a freak accident .

  30. 火灾对建筑是偶然事件,对城市则是必然事件。

    Fire is an accident to a building , while it is a necessity to a city .