
ǒu rán xìn xī
  • incidental information
  1. 他可能来源于销售预测,偶然销售信息系统,哦其它预测工具计划的生产数量。

    It is possible to use information from the sales forecast , or from the Sales Information System , or other planning tools to plan production quantities .

  2. 改进了Segal和Harti的买方卖方模型,这一模型表明事先无法描述的偶然状态造成了信息结构的混淆,进而影响到合约的效率。

    This paper reforms the Buyer-Seller model resulting from Segal and Hart . Indescribable contingencies cause the mixed structure of information , and thus influence the efficiency of contract .

  3. 论文指出城市视觉符号的设计并非偶然,作为城市信息的载体其是信息化时代背景下视觉化城市发展的必然产物。

    Paper points out that the design is no accidental for urban visual symbols , the context of the information age as a carrier of city information that the inevitable outcome of urban development .

  4. 当时的高沟镇也脱离不了这种闭塞的状态,但是当地农民并没有安于这种现状,他们在偶然获得的外界信息中,发展了以人为信息流通渠道的,与外界社会交流的方式。

    But local farmers were not content with this situation . By getting outside information accidentally , they developed the means of communication with the outside world by people themselves as the information flow channels .