
  1. 在概率论方法中,主要是利用有关海洋观测站的潮汐资料进行数理统计分析,采用皮尔逊III的频率分析模型计算出千年一遇和万年一遇的风暴潮。

    The tidal information of relative marine observation is analyzed by mathematical statistics for probabilistic method .

  2. Clint警告说,你必须要注意那些出千的(每小时检入一些细小琐碎的、无意义的东西),而且要常常重置积分,让每个人都有机会胜利。

    As Clint warns you do have be on the lookout for cheaters ( perhaps doing trivial and pointless checkins every hour ) and reset the points every so often to given everyone a chance to win eventually .

  3. 我没出千,我不是魔术师。

    No , I don 't cheat on you ; I 'm not a magician .

  4. 微软公司在一篇表明其见解的论文中勾划出千年世纪项目分布式操作系统的目标。

    Microsoft has outlined in a position paper its goals for a distributed OS , called Project Millennium .

  5. 可见,当前GRACE卫星时变重力场只能确定出上千公里及以上尺度区域的水储量变化。

    So the GRACE satellite time-variable gravity field can only determine water storage variation over thousands kilometers or more with high accuracy presently .

  6. 在这篇特写中,SarahTomlin报道了由联合国千年项目和美国地球研究所的负责人JeffreySachs设计出的千年村庄项目。

    In this feature , Sarah Tomlin reports on the Millennium Villages project , brainchild of Jeffrey Sachs , who heads the UN Millennium Project and the US-based Earth Institute .

  7. 我脑海里不断闪现出上千个险恶的幻象。

    A thousand ugly visions flashed through my mind .

  8. 他最多可以出8千。

    He can go as high as $ 8000 .

  9. 毕竟,对新生代员工颇为不满的婴儿潮经理们正是娇惯出新千年一代的父母们。

    After all , the grumbling baby-boomer managers are the same indulgent parents who produced the millennial generation .

  10. 比相邻的1号和3号反应堆积水的核放射性水平也要高出1千倍以上。

    At that level it is a thousands times more radioactive than water found in the neighboring Number-1 and-3 reactor buildings .

  11. 英国的顶尖科学家斯蒂芬·霍金警告我们:除非开始向宇宙空间殖民,否则不出这个千年人类就会被某种“世界末日”病毒灭种。

    The human race is likely to be wiped out by a doomsday virus before this millennium is out unless it starts to colonize space , top British scientist Stephen Hawking warned .

  12. 每个季节,时装界会奉献出成百上千个潮流。

    Every season , the fashion industry presents hundreds of trends .

  13. 这种买卖上哪儿找去他告诉这个多出了5千美元的人

    He told the man that offered him $ 5000 over his price

  14. 它将催生出其他上千件专利

    It will generate a further 1000 patents .

  15. 当他的陵墓于上世纪70年代第一次出土时,发掘出了上千个活灵活现的人佣,有工匠,音乐家,官员,马匹和士兵。

    When the tomb was firstunearthed in the 1970s , it revealed thousands of lifelike terra-cotta statues ofartisans , musicians , officials , horses and soldiers .

  16. 但是比起增兵前,驻伊美军现在多出1万6千人。

    But there are 16000 more U.S. troops in Iraq than before the surge .

  17. 到2010年,中国南方的阳朔和昆明等城市都培养出了本土的运动攀岩群体,几代爱好者开辟出了成百上千条路线。

    By 2010 , other southern cities like Yangshuo and Kunming had cultivated homegrown sport climbing communities , with hundreds of routes developed by multiple generations of enthusiasts .