
  • 网络ctp;Printing Plate;platemaking
  1. 印刷制版用N2等离子体蓝紫光源的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of the Novel N_2 Plasma Light Source for Plate Making in Printing Industry

  2. 中国印刷制版胶片的市场现状

    The Graphic - arts Film Market State in China

  3. 印刷制版和电路板腐蚀液的再生及金属铜的回收

    On Recycling of the Solution from Printing and Circuit board and the reusing of Copper

  4. 通过将冲压成形仿真技术应用于椭圆两片罐的印刷制版,证明该方法有效的缩短了实际试冲调整的时间,降低了成本。

    The experiment of ellipse two-piece can shows that the stamping simulation could reduce the adjusting time and cost effectively .

  5. 高感高反差印刷制版明室拷贝片的研究异同像混用重氮复制胶片的技术原理

    A research into hi-speed hi-contrast graphic arts light room duplicating film Technical Principle of Dual Positive - Negative Diazo Duplicating Film

  6. 在胶片的人工老化过程中,对照像性能,尤其是反差和感光度的衰退起到明显的抑制作用,特别适用于高感、高反差印刷制版胶片。

    Furthermore , this type of latex can reduce significantly the loss of speed and contrast during ageing incubation , thus is especially beneficial when used in high speed and high contrast graphic arts films .

  7. 镭射印刷的制版工艺及关键因素探讨

    Research on Plate-making Technics and Key Factor of Laser Printing

  8. 在印刷的制版和随机聚合网屏生成时我们很可能采用最新的行业指导。

    It is probable that we will be employing the most recent direct to plate and stochastic screen processes for printing .

  9. 在凸版印刷和照相制版的时代,许多最常用的字体都包含一种叫做展示字体的变体。

    In the days of letterpress and phototypesetting , many of the most-commonly used typefaces were available in a " display face " variation .

  10. 复制照相:印刷过程中,制版前的照相操作。为适应这一较长的印刷过程,新闻截稿提前了。

    Camera work : The photographic operations which precede the platemaking steps in printing . To accommodate the longer press runs , deadlines for news have been pushed earlier .

  11. PS留版机是曲阜海恩印刷技术有限公司为印刷制版行业专门设计的留版设备。用来清洁、保留印刷过的PS版。

    LB-A PS plate retention machine is the new equipment designed for print plate making line by Qufu HENN Graphic Technology Development Co.

  12. 包装印刷企业的技术管理中国印刷制版胶片的市场现状

    Talks on The Technology Management of The Graphic Enterprises The Graphic-arts Film Market State in China

  13. 本文在介绍包装印刷新技术的同时,重点论述了包装印刷业在制版技术、印刷方式和印后加工技术方面的发展趋势。

    Abstract : This paper emphasizes plate-making techniques and printing methods and post-printing techniques when new techniques about packaging fields are introduced .

  14. 照相凸版印刷品通过这个过程而制作的复印件复制照相:印刷过程中,制版前的照相操作。

    A reproduction made by this process . Camera work : The photographic operations which precede the platemaking steps in printing .

  15. 克里奥公司在商业印刷和报业印刷CTP领域都取得了不错的进展,本文着重介绍该公司的面向报纸印刷的热敏制版机。

    Creo company has acquired lots of achievements in commercial and newspaper printing fields , this essay is about the newspaper printing thermal plate-maker .