
Yìnjiā dì ɡuó
  • Inca Empire
  1. 印加帝国的统冶者(或者他的家族的人)。

    A ruler of the Inca Empire ( or a member of his family ) .

  2. 皮萨罗只用了几百人就打败了强大的印加帝国。

    Pizarro defeated the might of the Inca empire with only a few hundred men .

  3. 这座城市建于印加帝国的鼎盛时期&1460年。

    The town is built on top of Inca glory year ( 1460 ) .

  4. 印加帝国的人在进行重体力劳动时靠咀嚼古柯树叶来增强体力。

    The Inca chewed coca leaves to pep them up when doing strenuous work .

  5. 印加帝国曾在荒凉的秘鲁山脉上执行统治。

    The Empire of the Inca once ruled supreme across the inhospitable mountains of Peru .

  6. 弗朗西斯科.皮札罗是西班牙殖民先锋,征服秘鲁时,摧毁了印加帝国。

    Francisco Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador who destroyed the Inca Empire in the course of his conquest of Peru .

  7. 马丘比丘——印加帝国的遗迹,在1911年被重新发现后一直是人们研究和思索的对象。

    The Incan ruins at Machu Picchu have been the subject of research and speculation since their rediscovery in 1911 .

  8. 南美西部一个共和国;从公元世纪到世纪是印加帝国的中心。

    A republic in western South America ; was the heart of the Inca empire from the 12th to 16th centuries .

  9. 例如,怎么计算阿兹台克和南美洲的印加帝国的经济产出的数据呢?

    For example how is the data factoring in the economic output of the Aztec and Inca empires in South America ?

  10. 这是一个种族主义很严重的国家,“托莱多在竞选运动的最后一站古印加帝国的首都库斯科说道:”就算最杰出的领导层也很难接受像我这样的人来统治这个国家。

    " This is a very racist society ," Toledo said during his final campaign stop in the highlands city of Cuzco .

  11. 印加帝国现已成为古老的汗青,但它的传统却经过几个世纪以来不断保存的宗教典礼传播了下来。

    The Incan empire is now ancient history , but its legacy lives on through religious ceremonies that have been preserved through the centuries .

  12. 雇佣一名向导,带你踏上从库斯科到马丘比丘的四天之旅,马丘比丘曾是印加帝国重要的军事要塞。

    Hire a guide to take you on the four-day journey from Cuzco to Machu Picchu , once a great mountain stronghold of the Inca .

  13. 托莱多利用自己印第安人特有的黝黑的皮肤,轮廓分明的脸庞和不高的身材,向此次大选发起了冲击。他的竞选过程中处处充满了获胜的印加帝国国王的肖像,充满了颂扬印第安人荣耀的赞歌。

    Toledo capitalized on his dark , chiseled Indian features and short stature to mount a campaign replete with imagery of triumphant Inca emperors and with odes to Indian glory .

  14. 在巡回竞选游说中,他以古印加帝国为象征,头戴尖顶帽,身着色彩绚烂的束腰外衣。

    Calling himself " a stubborn Indian with a cause ," he used symbols of the ancient Inca Empire and dressed in pointy hats and multicolored tunics during campaign stops .

  15. 它可能是印加帝国全盛时期最辉煌的城市建筑,那巨大的城墙和梯田好像是在连绵的悬崖绝壁上自然形成的一样。

    It was probably the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire at its height ; its giant walls and terraces seem as if they have been cut naturally in the continuous rock cliffs .

  16. 这座城市的辉煌历时600余年才终于被印加帝国成功地推翻。如今,这个历史奇迹受到的攻击远不止来自那些掠夺者,更可怕的敌人或许是致命的厄尔尼诺风暴。

    The city lasted for more than 600 years before the Incan Empire finally managed to overthrow it.Today , this archaeological wonder is under attack not only from those who come to pillage and loot but also from storms caused by the deadly El Nino phenomena .

  17. 印加人居住在南美洲,印加帝国的首都库斯科也是一个人口有10~20万的大城市。

    India and living in South America , the capital of the Inca empire Cuzco is a population of10 million to20 major cities .