
  1. 试论商业银行出口退税帐户托管贷款

    On the Loan of Export Drawback and Account Trusteeship of Commercial Bank

  2. 国家政策法规的不完善,市场结构方面出现的弊端,商业银行体制上的不合理等多方面因素都给出口退税帐户托管贷款业务的发展带来一定的阻碍,必然影响其发展势头。

    National policies and regulations are imperfect , the market structure presents some abuses , and commercial banks have some unreasonable institutional factors .

  3. 但是机遇和挑战并存,发展出口退税帐户托管贷款业务既面临着良好的内外部环境,同时也存在着诸多的困难与障碍。

    The development of export tax refund loan business hosting account faces with a good external environment currently , and nevertheless there are many difficulties and obstacles .

  4. 出口退税帐户托管贷款业务能充分利用出口企业自身的潜在优势,也符合银企双方的相互利益,隐藏着广阔的市场潜力。

    Export tax refund loan business hosting account can take full advantage of export potential advantages of its own , is also in line with bank mutual interests , hidden potential of a broad market . However , both opportunities and challenges exist in the same while .